tidur, makan, masak.
jack, padi.
manga, anime, yaoi.
my gay cats.
art and pingpong.
1. gary
2. the girlfriends
3. gmers
4. my uni mates, every single freaking day :)
Spit your words:
dear umamah;
i think you better shoot yourself to death. or stab your flabby stomach 'til you're running out of blood. so that you'll die. 'cos the world doesn't need anyone as useless as you. HA-HA
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you have the right to remain silent, italian job.
csi, las vegas, house, antm, jamie oliver's, kidnapped, goong, fullhouse, desperate housewives, ugly betty.
a child called it, the lost boy, a man named dave, the day my parents ran away, angels and demons, da vinci code, fearless, ps i love you.
currently reading; the russian voices.