hmm..let me tell smthng bout me..
mY name is Norlyana Nasrin..currently live in Rawang..
i was born in my house at Teluk Intan, Perak..haha
i'm still study in Centre For Foundation Studies IIUM in PJ
taking biological science(i'm dead actually) he3..i love to make a new friend..i'm not arrogant! eventhough my face looked like i am..i love to make stupid jokes and laugh out loud like tomorrow i'll die..i love to learn lot of languages..i'm mixed my mom chinese n my father malay...
hmm..whats more? haha my first love is my own cousin..
fall in love sinced i was kid but now i'm not easy to fall in love n never tell to someone i love that i love him..mi ahn hae..%D%A
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