Once I was on the hippity hop in the backyard, the plain red one because the one with the mickey mouse head was run over in greenwood. I was bouncing along in the huge, vast praire like yard when i bounced off and flew forward. A stick shoved into my right palm and scarred my fate line for good. The neighbor lady laughed until she realized I was hurt. Then she quit laughing. Even though my fate line has the scar, it keeps on going up up up, right on track until it breaks just after the head line. Then it picks up again at the heart line. I don't know if I'm at the stage of my life where the hippity hop scar is, or if I'm at the break at the head line. I don't know if you measure it up or down and I don't know the exact measurement conversions into years. I have a feeling I'm at the point (measuring down) that is the blank space between the heart and head lines. It is seemingly blank, but when you look closely it is composed of faint X marks, about four of them interwoven. That's definitely the twenties. And definitely proves, the points are A-Z and the way the alphabet is sung, in tune or freestyle, it's up to me, still going to Z.
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