The Gruntled profile picture

The Gruntled

About Me

Australia's premier avant-medieval improvised drone combo The Gruntled has put more energy into typing this sentence than they have into their musical "career".

They started when asked to contribute a cover of a '60s Australian garage punk song to Melbourne radio station 3CR's "Wild About You" - a book and cd paying tribute to that scene. The Gruntled chose to do The Missing Links' "Drivin' Me Insane" and this recorded noise was made by Nick, Ricarda, Matt Gleeson on drums and some nameless, faceless hired help. You can read the book and more about the project here:

They then drafted in Richard on guitar and John on the drums and this is the lineup which gruntles on to this day and which you'll hear on the other tunes, if you bother to listen.
"Kickarse" - Josh, Sideshow Alley curator
"One bit sounded so evil I had to hide behind a pillar" - A guy in a hat
"The Gruntled’s 'Driving Me Insane' is a wonderful mess of a song with walls of blasting guitars, a snarling vocal and bagpipes!" - Marvin, Free Albums Galore

"What IS that thing you play?" - About 45,728 people. For the record, it is an HURDY GURDY.
"a psychedelic sound bomb ... a swirling vortex of acid noise" - Buffy Tufnell, Mess & Noise

"Fucken Gruntled were a mindblowing psych drone freak out. I can't believe it was all improvised." - Frankie Teardrop, ditto

My Interests


Member Since: 21/10/2006
Band Members: Nick Potts - Crumhorn, bagpipes, shawm, Jew's harp, harmonicas, Vox Jaguar organ, looping, droning, squeals, skronks and squinks
Ricarda Reeck - Hurdy gurdy
Richard Walsh - Guitars, more looping, droning and feedback
John Fenton, Craig Darryl "Skull" McPeade - The drums
Matt Gleeson - Bass and drums
We've been lucky to play with an array of talented & charismatic losers including regular cohorts Matt Gleeson (Stabs, etc) on drums & bass, Craig 'Skull' McPeade (northatlantic, 2 Litre D@!by) & John Fenton (Crow) on drums.
Occasional vocalists have been Alan Hislop (from The Moffs et al on a live version of Drivin' Me Insane which climaxed with a stage dive to the ground over 10 feet below), Paul Kidney (from Southern Fried Kidneys and Melbourne's Blow Up nightclub, on a particularly shambolic version of "Inna Gadda Da Vida" and a note-perfect (ha) version of "Tomorrow Never Knows") and Daisy Buchanan "extemporaneously pontificating" over a loop based on Flipper's "Sex Bomb". Fun times.

Influences: Medieval and 18th and 19th century traditional French, English, German tunes, Neu!, The Lothars, Velvet Underground, Syd-era Pink Floyd, The Legendary Pink Dots, Silver Apples, Suicide, Corvus Corax, The Monks, Flipper, The Beatles and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Sounds Like: a broken record
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog


We have three cd-rs and our half hour dvd available. Cds are all $AUS10 and the dvd is $AUS15. Postage free in Aus, negotiable to other necks o' the woods. Anyway, please send a message to order, ask ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:06:00 GMT