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About Me

I'm 18, single, and i'm really easy to get along with. I'm down for whatever. I'm very down to earth and not an asshole and anyone will tell you that. If you take the time to talk to me than you'll realize you just made a new friend. If you don't know me then you're missing out. Don't let the "Tough Guy" look, scare you away, cause i'm a very loving person on the inside. Remember, don't judge a book by its cover. Take the risk and make the jump, it's worth the fall. AIM= foxriderscoD21Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own! Make your own banner at!

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My Blog

Why i am single... As a good friend of mine put it in i think every guy's words

For those of you that are wondering or that have asked me.Why are you SINGLE? Your cute an sweet......Well yes i know im-ATTRACTIVE-CONFIDENT-KIND-CARING-LOVING-FAITHFUL-INTELLIG ENT-FUN-An many many m...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Jul 2009 00:55:00 GMT