my ..1 interest is paintball and that alone and soon im going pro and to many thats a dream but to me its a basic I can't forget elissa ...
someone who thinks they can beat my in paintball....Someone sent me this an they know who they like ta meet someone who could beat yea if u can ur still not gonna have a are the most amazing guy ever. you makes me so happy. I love everything about you. I love your smile, your voice, your arms around me, your laugh, your kisses, your personality, they way you walk, just everything about you. I wouldnt change a thing. You are the last thing i think about before i go to bed, and you are the first person that comes to my mind when i first wake up. You makes me feel so unbelievably amazing. Everytime i talk to you, a big smile comes to my face, which you know. When im in your arms i feel safe. And nothing else matters, and theres no one else in the world besides me and you. I love the way you makes me feel. Im the luckiest girl to have someone like you. No one else has ever made me feel this way ever. You mean so much to me. I cant see myself with anyone else. The things you say and do put a smile on my face.All our little jokes & retarded stuff.Everything i see and do reminds me of you.Theres not another guy on earth that is better then you or could add up to you. Your so amazing, and your so wonderful to me. I lose my thoughts when i look into your eyes. You have no idea what you do to me. You mean everything to me. I love the way you always make me smile.I cant stop the way im feeling even if i wanted to. I feel lonely when im not with you and when you have to go.i really, truely love you more than anything in the world. you are the guy i want to marry.
Anything but country.. ..
40 yr old vergin, finding nemo ,scarface , saprano's,The God Father,over the hedge,the ringer,jackass,the fast and the furious tokyo drift and the war lord
paintball 2xtremes U.F.C
tom clanceys rainbow six & tom clanceys Red Rabbit
1.)Elissa 2.)my cousin josh 3.)elissa 4.)an guess wat....its elissa again