[StAcEy NicOle]~ ♥Diam0nd PrinceSS♥ profile picture

[StAcEy NicOle]~ ♥Diam0nd PrinceSS♥

♥Show StoppiN since 1986.....♥

About Me

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Stacey Nic0le

hey everyone...well...my name is Anastacia...but i g0 by Stacey...i am 21 years 0ld...getting my gr0wn and sexiie 0n f0r 2008! its a new year s0 i am 0n s0me new shit...its time f0r a change!...s0 yeah...y0ur girl is single...n0t int0 playing games or hearing the tired ass line that y0u are n0t like the rest (but always turn 0ut t0 be like every 0ther guy!)...guys have t00 much pr0blems now a days (s0me of yall are getting t0 be w0rse than w0men) and i want s0me0ne that can keep it 100 with me, s0 until i find that...imma c0ntinue t0 d0 me...i have NO CHILDREN...i have my 0wn car (in my name)...i w0rk 2 j0bs right n0w...i try t0 keep myself busy and 0ut 0f tr0uble..i did a year at UL LAfayette f0r Nursing...s0 i will be attending s0me0nes c0llege in the fall...yeah ya girl is s0mewhat of an independent chic (g0tta l0ve the parents!)...i am from Parks, l0uisiana....n0w living in Jacks0nville, NC...it gets b0ring, but i make the best 0f it....i l0ve my parents...and my br0thers mean the WORLD t0 me...i miss my fam back home...Rachael, Fee, and Brandi (love yall always)....my BFFs are t0ria (y0u need m0ve ya ass up her) Jaleesa (miss y0u s0 much chic!) and Christina (my NC chic always)! i have 7 tatts and 7 piercings(n0se, ears, naval, and tongue)...i d0nt talk or call t00 many pe0ple my cl0se friends...t0 th0se that i d0, i have mad l0ve f0r yall...i am a reality sh0w junkie...i am n0w learning t0 live life f0r y0urself and n0t f0r 0thers (0nly G0D) and if y0u cant c0me c0rrect, then d0nt c0me at all...a TRUE military brat......i am a simple and at times a c0mplicating chic..i HATE DRAMA and bitches that HATE...hate f0r what...dunn0...but it aint that serious...i kn0w this much...imma be Stacey until the day that i die...and f0r th0se wh0 wh0 d0nt like it then oh well...d0nt need them in my life anyway...but over all i am pretty laid back...l0ve t0 travel...i live up t0 the m0tt0 that "everything happens f0r a reas0n" even th0ugh y0u may n0t kn0w what it is at that m0ment...well thats en0ugh ab0ut me...if you wanna kn0w m0re...leave me a c0mment 0r n0te in the inb0x...d0nt c0me t0 my page just t0 be nosey and read my shit and t0 the GUYS...d0nt leave me BS pick up lines and perverted shit...n0t int0 that and y0u will get IGNORED...g0t it? i am a gr0wn ass w0man s0 c0me at me me c0rrect...but anywh0HOLLA @ YA GIRL

GiRlS sUrVeY
AbOuT mE
NaMe: Stacey Nic0le
AgE: 21 years y0ung
B-dAy: auGust 9th
GeNdEr: female
ZoDiAc SiGn: le0 baby
RiGhTy/LeFtY: righty
BeDtImE: whenever i feel like
DrEaM jOb: pediatric nurse
CoLoR: pink blue black and white
FoOd: chinese 0r japanese f00d
AnImAl: n0ne
SeAsOn: spring
SoNg: always changes.....right n0w its "i remember" by keysha c0le
CaNdY: 100 grand
IcE cReAm: c00kies and cream
PeRfUmE/bOdY sPrAy: anyhting by vict0ria secret
HoLiDaY: my bday
NuMbEr: n0ne
AcToR/aCtReSs: n0ne
FrIeNdS & lIfE
FuTuRe JoB: pediatric nurse
TuRn OnS: tall guys...rainy nights...dunn0
TuRn OfFs: liars....cheaters...fake ass ppl...ppl wh0 cant stand their gr0und...ppl wh0 always have s0mething negative t0 say
BeSt FrIeNd: t0ria...brandi...jaleesa...and christina
WoRsT eNeMy: n0 0ne
LeAsT fAvOrItE YOU tRaIt:
FiLl iN tHe BlAnK
I wAnT tO DiE ____: peaceful
I wOuLd Be HaPpY iF ____: my br0ther was back h0me
CaTs Are ____: furry
YoU sIlLy LiTtLe ____: g00se
UnDeR nO cIrCuMsTaNcEs ShOuLd YoU ____: change wh0 y0u are and what y0u stand f0r so others will accept y0u
HaVe YoU eVeR
BeEn In LoVe: yessir
BeEn To JaIl: hell n0
BeEn ReJeCtEd: yep
BeEn BeAtEn Up: hell n0
BeAtEn SoMeOnE uP: yep
BeEn ChEaTeD oN: yep
ChEaTeD oN sOmEoNe: unf0rtunately yep
ShOpLiFtEd: n0pe
BeEn DrUnK: t00 many times
SmOkEd: yep
ChEwEd: n0pe
BeEn On StAgE: yep
LaUgHeD sO hArD yOu CrIeD: a few times
BeEn KiSsEd In ThE rAiN: yep **flashback**
ThIs -or- ThAt
PePsI -or- cOkE: c0ke
VaNiLlA -or- cHoCoLaTe: vanilla
McDoNaLdS -or- bUrGeR kInG: McD0nalds
ItAlIaN -or- mExIcAn: mexican
FaCe -or- BoDy: a lil 0f b0th
FrUiTs -or- VeGgIeS: fruits
LiMmO -or- jAgUaR: jag
CaN yOu
Do ThE sPlItS: yep
WhIsTlE: yep
SnAp YoUr FiNgErS: yep
Do A cArTwHeEl: n0t anym0re
CrOsS yOuR eYeS: n0pe
WrItE wItH bOtH hAnDs: n0pe
Do A bAcK-bEnD: yep
PaT yOuR hEaD & rUb YoUr TuMmY: ????
ToUcH yOuR tOnGuE tO yOuR nOsE: n0pe
LaSt PeRsOn YoU
HuGgEd: baby br0ther j0rdan
KiSsEd: hmmm can say
TaLkEd To On ThE pHoNe: D
YeLlEd At: s0me chic at the club
PrOmIsEd: dunn0
At ThIs MoMeNt
WhErE aRe YoU: d0wnstairs in my h0use
WhAt ShIrT dO yOu HaVe On: white tee
WhAt PaNtS: l0unge pants
ArE yOu WeArInG SoCkS: n0pe
ArE yOu LiStEnInG tO mUsIc: n0pe...i only hear the TV
WhAt CoLoR aRe YoUr NaIlS: clear
Do YoU bElIeVe In
SaNtA cLaUsE: n0pe
ElMo: n0pe
EaStEr BuNnY: n0pe
OtHeR wOrLdS: n0pe
GhOsTs: n0pe
In A bOy
EyEs: any c0l0r
HaIr: br0wn 0r black clean cut
MuScLeS (yEs Or No): if they d0 then its always g00d....d0nt matter
HeIgHt: taller me
EmO (yEs Or No): n0pe
Do YoU
SwEaR: i needa st0p
SiNg WeLl: n0t at all
ShOwEr DaIlY: 0f c0urse
DrInK: yep
SmOkE: needa quit that als0
WaNt To GeT mArRiEd: yep
WaNt To Go To CoLlEgE: did a year @ UL...g0ing back in the fall
Go To ChUrCh: yep when i am n0t w0rking
PrAy: yep
KeEp A dIaRy: n0pe
WaNt KiDs: dunn0
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My Interests





i l0ve t0 chill and kick it with my friends...0f c0urse i like t0 club and g0 0ut and party like a r0ckstar...but since my ass is LAZIIE....i d0 LOVE t00 sleep when i am n0t running the streets!

I'd like to meet:


i wanna meet s0me 0ne wh0 is real and n0t on any BS...the past few months, th0se are the pe0ple i tend t0 meet...n0w i see why i stay t0 myself...but 0n a real n0te...just s0me0ne wh0 is c00l t0 kick it with with0ut the drama...g0t their pri0rities in 0rder...ya kn0w...da basic thingslove layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments




i listen t00 a lil 0f alm0st everything...i am m0re int0 my sl0w jams (baby making music with0ut the kids!) but i d0 like my r~N~b and rap!




my all time fav0rite m0vie is the 5 heartbeats...if y0u d0nt kn0w, y0u better ask s0meb0dy! i enj0y watching c0medies, scary shit, dramas, a lil 0f everything!




there is S000 much t0 name...i enjoy watching...law N 0rder...CSI...reality sh0ws...y0ung N da restless...ir0n chef (even th0ugh my ass cant c00k)...girls next d00r...i can g0 0n and 0n









GOD, MY MOM: she has always been there f0r me...thr0ugh thick and thin....she has supported me in all aspects in life....i l0ve her t0 death MY DAD: "my spiritual advis0r"...he always kn0ws the right things t0 say when i am g0ing thr0ugh things MY BROTHERS ..: they are my heart...they keep me f0cused 0n what is right t0 d0 in life...SHOBE: my party buddy...he is mad c00l...we are just alike that its craziie....JOSH: in life, everything has a reas0n...we use t0 n0t be cl0se, but when we b0th m0ved back stateside we became best 0f friends...i l0ve him t0 death, he has always been there f0r me when i needed him....regardless 0f what was thr0wn at us, we 0vercame it! JORDAN: my lil b00key...his ass is bad and sp0iled, but 0nly the best f0r my lil br0...he keeps me headed in the right directi0n because he l00ks up t0 me and j0sh s0 we g0tta d0 right in fr0nt 0f him! th0se pe0ple serving 0ur c0untry stateside and in iraq and there family members wh0 are being very supp0rtive of it!