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sarcasm is difficult to detect over the internet.

About Me

By now you may have heard of the captured terrorist masterminds who sought to destroy the entire airline industry with several cans of hair spray and an exploding Ipod. In the words of our great president, George W. Bush, let it serve as a "reminder that terrorists are still plotting attacks to kill our people."

Let us also not forget the attempt that was made two years ago to take down Los Angeles' Library Tower with a set of exploding footwear, or Iyman Faris, who craftily plotted to collapse the Brooklyn Bridge with a blowtorch. Devious schemes indeed, so cunning and deadly they could only be thwarted by the full and unchecked executive authority of a routine airport sneaker check. They truly are, as the president has suggested, "further evidence that the terrorists we face are sophisticated and constantly changing their tactics."

But even more terrorists have tried to strike at America within the past six years, evil geniuses of the al Qaeda network so quick and so clever it took all the power at the president's disposal to stop their infernal machinations. I have been granted the exclusive privilege to share just a few with you.


Abu Muhammed al-Hitler: planned to conspire to blow up the Golden Gate Bridge with a trained bear and an extra-long strip of firecrackers; captured only after being physically beaten into submission by an illegal NSA wiretap. As al Qaeda’s critical sixteenth-in-command, al-Hitler is believed to have personally overseen several of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed’s laundry runs, in particular the sorting of darks and whites.

Sheikh Nazi ibn al-Satan: plotted to plan to destroy the Sears Tower using a newly-purchased electronic toothbrush loaded with a dangerously overcharged pair of double-A batteries; stopped just in time by the impromptu waterboarding of an unrelated, unaccused non-terrorist detainee. He is believed to have once received Osama bin Laden’s personal autograph after having what he described as a “very important, very personal” elevator conversation within the Tora Bora office park.

The Blind Cleric Muslimo von Evil: almost managed to execute preliminary stages of master scheme to wash the Chrysler Building not with Tide, but with the leading cleanser, which would leave unsightly grass stains; plot thwarted by the flowering of democracy in Iraq. Intelligence experts have described him as “dangerously swarthy” and “highly bearded at this time.”

Miles Abu Ibn al-Milesworth: Smart terrorists must know how to blend in with their environment. This is why they teach you how to put sticks in your beard so that you pretend you're a tree and hide in places like Boston and Salt Lake City at terrorist training camp. Very smart terrorists such as Milesworth have been known to go one step further and disguise themselves as common house pets. Don't let his cool demeanor and goofy looks fool you! While he may look like your standard Pembroke Welsh Corgi, in fact, Miles is the criminal mastermind behind a plot to blow up every vacuum cleaner on the planet in an orchestrated fashion. Since 1995, Miles has made deliberate attempts to steal your underwear when company is over as the "ultimate" act of terror.

Ayatollah Edonkey: Taking hints from a reliable fifth party rumor heard at a coffeehouse in Prague, the intelligence community at the Recording Industry of America uncovered a devious plot by this terrorist involving CD-RWs and pirated DVDS. The scheme was truly brilliant, essentially offering would-be terrorists a way to set up their very own cells in critically strategic locations such as Lodi, California. Simply send in your proofs of purchase and receive your rewards! One terrorist point gets you a free turban. Fifty points will get you a super-secret decoder ring that allows you to see messages encoded in speeches made by Bin Laden and his cohorts. If you send one hundred points in, you receive your very own handy-dandy "do it yourself" terrorist cell kit, and five hundred points gets you a free camel! In full diligence, the RIAA promptly demanded Congress declare anyone who owns a CD burner a supporter of terrorism, enemy combatant, and subject to detainment without parole or trial.

Ahm Bur-glar: nearly crippled McDonaldland economy by hijacking critical burger shipments; indefinitely detained within the Fry Fortress by the power of presidential pretend. Unrepentant and unrestrained, given the chance he would robble again – quickly, and without mercy.

My Interests

Went to professional clown school, made some balloon animals, breathed fire, rode a unicycle, graduated school, lived in the Czech Republic for a while, taught some English, moved back home, started working at a hospital, dodged some orange butt goo, started going to law school, decided I wasn't an asshole, so now I'm getting a teaching credential for special ed.In order chronologically, but not neccessarily in order of preference.

I'd like to meet:

That's an awfully broad question...


kaizers orchestra, the dead milkmen, the bananas, gogol bordello, turbonegro, talking heads, devo, death ray, clinic, the exploding hearts, the stiffs, x ray specs, neurosis, jawbreaker, radiohead, catherine wheel, dramarama, swervedriver, quasi, pinback, magnetic fields, del, slick rick, the beta band, bloc party, the arcade fire, hard-fi, aphex twin, slick rick, del, kool keith, the pixies, dead can dance, scissor sisters, HORSE the band, Richard Thompson.


Rubin and Ed.


Cromartie High


Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris.

My Blog

"So why haven’t you been writing?"

I get this often. I used to spend a lot of my time writing stories, mostly ramblings for my own amusement. People seemed to really like them, but I think my motivations were primarily selfish, as a wa...
Posted by Mechazawa on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 06:20:00 PST

my "best man speech"

Last year, my friend I've known since the 4th grade, John, got married. Although my sister had done the same a year before, it was still a shock to me. 27?!?! Oh my god, that's quite a young age ...
Posted by Mechazawa on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:35:00 PST


I've been asked to work on a screenplay with someone with actual credentials. I used to write for a number of blogs and random magazines, but suddenly stopped a few years ago. This sort of thing is pr...
Posted by Mechazawa on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 12:29:00 PST

at least until school starts, etc, I'm not drinking

I've decided to abstain from drinking at least until school starts, I pay off my debts, work gets going (end of February is when I get my CBEST results), etc.I have a lot of shit to do right now and i...
Posted by Mechazawa on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 02:39:00 PST

My road bike's back. (pics!) repost

Myspace messed up loading this, so I'm going to repost it for now to see what happens. The other day I was coming up with ways to try to cut my expenses, do stuff I needed to do and all that. I have ...
Posted by Mechazawa on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 04:43:00 PST

pictures from when I was young and nubile

So while I was digging through my old computer a while back, I stumbled across a bunch of old pictures from when I was young and not tired enough to not care about what I looked like. There are quite ...
Posted by Mechazawa on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:37:00 PST

whoring yourself out on child molestation.

If there's one thing I hate, it's the notion that anything can be distilled to a simple binary question. One of America's many great faults, I think, is that the 2 party system does exactly that- dist...
Posted by Mechazawa on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 02:28:00 PST

They're back! (updated)

By now you may have heard of the captured terrorist masterminds who sought to destroy the entire airline industry with several cans of hair spray and an exploding Ipod. In the words of our great presi...
Posted by Mechazawa on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 10:00:00 PST

it's been done

I looked in the mirror this morning and didn't like how frumpy I looked. I'm normally not a very depressed person, but for some reason I sure do look the part sometimes. I looked so gray and old ...
Posted by Mechazawa on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 01:18:00 PST

A letter to my tax specialist:

Here's a letter I sent to my tax specialist today, yes, my tax specialist. Here she is going over my taxes with me and I had the nerve to send her this crap: "Hi Kim, That's fine. I'm in no rush and I...
Posted by Mechazawa on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 07:35:00 PST