Roger (Mortician) profile picture

Roger (Mortician)

You will pay the price for your lack of vision!

About Me

UPDATE: July 2006
New Primitive Brutality song available here . This is a total scratch version with no lyrics yet. I used the warlock as the main guitars are still stranded in Belgium. Line6 distortion all the way. Enjoy!First off this is really me editing this now (May 04), thanks to my friends the drib and Lucifera for setting this up for me, hopefully I'll actually have some time to edit shit here.
Well, let's see...
I was born in 1971 in Bronxville, NY and grew up in the town of Tuckahoe, NY which is about 15 miles north of NYC. Went to Tuckahoe High School (most of the time) and played in several unsuccessfull bands growing up. Not that we sucked just was the early days of metal and a complete band was a tough thing to pull together (like that's changed!).
I dropped out of high school not because of grades (they were good) but to work full time in the t-shirt printing field for a huge company in Yonkers that printed everything from Metallica shirts to Alf shirts (did I say it was the 80s). I also worked weekends at Yonkers Raceway Flea Market, first for a plaster guy and later for the t-shirt company. It was the 80's and money was rediculous easy to make if you wanted to work, so I was always at the bar and at shows and smoking weed and tripping... What was I talking about? Anyway, growing up ruled for me party wise.
In 1990 a good friend of mine Will Rahmer (who I knew from Yonkers Raceway) approached me at the flea market about playing guitar temporarily for his band Mortician. For years I had been trying to get my Primitive Brutality project off the ground and wasn't completely interested in the job, but said fuck it why not. After getting together and jamming out at my house we not only redefined the Mortician sound but I ended up becoming a permanent part of the band. The complete Mortician history can be found here since this is supposed to be a personal page.
For the rest of the 90s I continued to work on Mortician and go to shows all over but mostly at a great club called Streets in New Rochelle, NY (not there anymore, actually it's a dance club now). Every fucking awesome underground band and some well known acts played this place from Testament to Kreator and S.O.D. to Death. Along with great local acts like Rigor Mortis (became Immolation) and cover bands like Gothic Slam that would play old Metallica covers. It was truely an awesome place to hang out and drink (and trip out in the pit with 10 of your most dangerous friends).
Well along with partying hard comes the concequences. I eventually hit bottom and ended up in jail for a while and was slapped with 5 years probation for weed (it's not a good idea to sell weed to an undercover cop). This fucked Mortician's ability to tour which really slowed us down for the early days but kind of kept us at an underground cult status (which thankfully we have never really left). Eventually Will ended up on probation too and we both got the same probation officer. She was cool and let us leave the state and Mortician was back on track.
As for me when I got busted my girlfriend left me, I lost my store (I had a Ceramic store back then Wizards, dragons and shit), lost $6000 cash the cops stole (my rent money and savings were confiscated), got kicked out of my apartment and town. This finally caused a re-evaluation of my life. I decided to get serious with my Computer ambitions (I was into computers when I was 8 to about 13 building a Timex sinclair as my first project and stoping at an apple 2e, metal and weed took over until I was 22). I attended Westchester Business Institute which is a place that used to take your hard earned money and put you in a room full of fuck ups that shouldn't have graduated High School and once you spend enough time there they'd give you a piece of paper saying that you supposedly know something about computers. I was there on my own dime and working to pay for it as a butcher and construction or whatever I could find. I didn't qualify for financial aid because of my jail time (30 days never fucked me up so bad). Being in school and paying for it yourself you kind of want your money's worth, so not feeling like I was getting my money's worth I looked at other schools. Honestly they all looked like the same shit. So I decided to take my next term's tuition money and buy two PCs and a bunch of network cards and books and make it happen. Long story short (too late!) I learned everything myself (as I kind of do with everything in this life) and started a web company.
I went through several company names and partners who lacked either vision, skills or motivation or all three. Finally after some years I am running a successfull web hosting company in Long Pond, PA out of my house in the Poconos.
I've had more side businesses and projects (music and otherwise) than you can imagine throughout the years but wont go into all of them here. Currently I am running my Record Label and my web hosting and design company full time and still playing with Mortician and writing new material for Primitive Brutality , Prosthetic Cunt and a few other little music projects. My days with my bros in Malignancy are sadly over as of last year (2003 Cross Species Transmutation) but it was too far where I live now to continue the practice situation. Plus with alot of other tensions in the band I felt better that I leave so the band could continue the way they wanted to. We're all still best of friends and talk every week in case you were wondering. I recently have been playing drums again too, but just for myself for fun now.
Well shit that about wraps that shit up for now. It is currently May 2004 and I am single once again after quite a while and working on my companies after a rough winter being sick for almost 2 months and a shitty break up last year. Anyway with the health bullshit out of the way Mortician is at full strength and has completed a new CD to be released in September through our new label Mortician Records and distributed by Crash/Caroline Records worldwide! Primitive Recordings also has tons of shit getting ready to release, check the web site for more info. If anyone wants to hook up or hang out or whatever feel free to get in touch especially if you're local. I already see plenty of people I know around the world on here and think this is a pretty cool community. I'll pop in as often as possible but keep in mind I'm a busy guy and all over the world at different times throughout the year so if I don't get back to you right away give me time, I will. For now STAY FUCKING BRUTAL and smoke some herb!
Visit my online metal store at
Visit my T-Shirt Company at

My Interests

Computers, metal, pot, movies, talk radio, Rumplemintz, pussy, guitar, 3d Modeling, screenprinting, my companies, hangin' with friends, traveling with my band, chicks with big tits!

I'd like to meet:

Mortician fans, sci-fi and horror enthusiasts, other people into brutal deathmetal and gore, sexy bitches(and sweet nice girls too), cool metal chicks, weed heads, Star Wars fans and anyone cool!


Zuckuss, CBT, Rompeprop, Bile, Severed Head, Leukorrhea, Gut, Grave, Possessed, Regurgitate, etc. (no order - pretty much what I'm listening to lately)


Star Wars Trilogy, Aliens, Predator 1&2, Blood in Blood Out, Minority Report, Re-Animator, Event Horizon, In The Mouth Of Madness, Scarface, Tombstone, Legend Of The Overfiend, Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, Wrong Turn, The Transformers, etc


The Sopranos (RIP), The X-Files, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, CNN, History Channel, Travel Channel, RealTV, MaxEx, CSI, etc.


Piers Anthony Incarnations of Immortality series and many boring programming manuals and pdfs that are claiming my vision. Busty, Juggs, Popular Science, Home Power, Make Magazine, etc.


Darth Vader, Ron Jeremy, Homer Simpson, Art Bell, Peter Griffin & Stewie Griffin, Bob Log 111, The Emperor, and most truely evil villians.