Comfy Rubbish
A collaboration of 3 (with occasional guests). Using electric, acoustic and bass guitars and effects; synths and sound generators; microphones for percussion, voice and ambience; transistor radio plectrum, e-bow and computer software.
Improv / jam and marmite based in essence, but most pieces are engineered and edited, layered and caressed, sometimes mangled. Mostly instrumental.
Some pieces evolve from a single loop idea or sample and occasionally have been known to be entirely composed over e-mail – i.e. passing it around and working on it individually at home so the piece effectively ‘snowballs’. Some pieces are entirely improvised in the studio and just require mixing.
Focus is on a ‘vibe’, a ‘feel’ and sometimes ‘accident’. From surgical to dada.
Stravinsky said “A composer improvises aimlessly the way an animal grubs about. Both of them go grubbing because they yield to a compulsion to seek things out...he is in his quest for pleasureâ€. We grub for pleasure because music is the ultimate. We love it
Comfy Videos
Corridor Etiquette
There Comes A Time