Tempus Fugit profile picture

Tempus Fugit

good luck exploring the infinite abyss!

About Me

hi! i'm april. after living in sarasota, florida for about a year and a half, i've been back in pa since november. i thought the winter would never end! i don't miss florida, but i do miss the beach, my job there, and the humane society of sarasota county where i volunteered. i live in williamsport, work a lot, and volunteer for LAPS lycoming animal protection society.
about me, i like my life to remain as chill and drama-free as possible, while still including as much random weird shit that fits. oh, and i also like starbursts, and um, alcoholic beverages. i hate mtv, and becker reruns. i guess you can find out enough about me elsewhere on this page, but pretty much everyone on my list already knows me and if you don't, well, your loss. peace!

My Interests

animals, cars, movies, music, chapstick, captain morgan, super nintendo, asshole (the card game, not the body part), arbor mist and cheap champagne, road trips, boys

I'd like to meet:

jeff corwin, beck, chris from less than jake, tucker max, colin farell


sublime, tom petty, less than jake, g love & special sauce, beck, third eye blind, david bowie, meatloaf, rx bandits, beth orton, counting crows, jane's addiction, jimmy eat world, john mayer, jurassic 5, snoop dogg, pink floyd, radiohead, parliament, the killers, the white stripes, johnny cash, ben folds five, the allman brothers, underworld, black lab, zero 7, dave matthews band, the hippos, shades apart, elton john, bob dylan, aimee mann, dire straits, the who, blink 182, the shins, jack johnson


magnolia, garden state, super troopers, napoleon dynamite, office space, legends of the fall, dude, where's my car, friday, big fish, memento, suicide kings, half baked, billy madison, dazed and confused, tommy boy, what dreams may come, american beauty, fight club, field of dreams, trainspotting, pulp fiction, forrest gump, boys and girls, sorority boys, the new guy, american history x, pump up the volume, little nicky, full metal jacket, van wilder, a clockwork orange, memento, big fish, identity, resevoir dogs, old school, vanilla sky, chicago, animal house, breakfast club, waiting, crash, finding neverland


family guy, the x-files, law and order, er, scrubs, sex and the city, animal planet


stephen king, dave eggers, david sedaris, joyce carol oates, chuck palahniuk, dean koontz....ps nicholas sparks should die.

My Blog

a baby owl pooped on my towel

You know it is not every day i can rhyme owl with towel when describing the events of my morning. Therefore, today must be special. Let me first say my plans for the day included a lot of cleaning an...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Thu, 18 May 2006 11:42:00 PST

happy anniversary

im so happy there is a category for blogging, available when i want to about blogging in my blog.  thank god. anyway so as you might know, i started using myspace this summer.  but you prob...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 11:37:00 PST

i didn't think you were coming back!

ok so here is a (very) belated post about my birthday.  for my birthday i of course decided on linksters as my nightspot of choice.  sooo i was hanging out with my friends and drinking and t...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 11:28:00 PST

plastic cup champagne: september 10

saturday i went into work earlier than usually and - surprise suprise - got out earlier than usual.  it was barely 7:30 and i was driving home.  so of course i get the cell and hit up d...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:24:00 PST

a la what????? september 9 (waitress blog)

sooo on friday i was taking an order, and the one guy said he wanted sirloin and shrimp with fries.  since our dinners at perkins come with a choice of two dinner sides, i asked him if he'd ...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:34:00 PST

it's raining men! too bad it's acid rain: september 1

bar night with diana! of course i took WAY too long doing my hair and made everyone run late, go figure! but apparently, it was worth it, as i was hit on all damned night. by every guy i could ever be...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:59:00 PST

high school reunion: august 26 and 27

FRIDAY: so i was sitting at my computer in my pajamas, unwinding from a long day at work during little league world series, idly checking away messages, when i read chapel's: mansfield for the weekend...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:53:00 PST

PRESENTING: The Drunk Blog

well, i've never been much of a "blogger" if you will; i guess assuming that my life wasn't interesting enough, and my insights even less so.  all of that remains true.  however, tonight at ...
Posted by Cuba Libre on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:50:00 PST