About Me
I like my first name cause it is the same as the lead singer of Korn, "Jon".I am a mixture of German and Irish. I practice Martial Arts:(Ninjitsu,Mui Tai, Kung Fu and various sword fighting styles), I wear preferrably band Tees,The Study Of Paranormal Activity ,Poltergists,Communication with the dead(Usually in Dreams),Prophosizing future events, Intense Meditation,Raves,Running/Jogging,Hiking,Camping,Fishing,Ridi
ng 4-Wheelers with my Cousin (Travis),plotting Diabolical plans, razors, sharp objects, Humping pillows,Spicy V8 Juice,Pork Rinds,Fucking around on my guitar,Playing my Ps2,Vitamins,Phones,Black Pepper Jack Cheese Doritos,Beef Jerky,Sleeping,Spicy Cheese-Its,Blood,The Beach, Collecting Sea Shells,Getting New Shit,Hot Showers,Monkeys,Black Finger Nail Polish,Orange Juice,Tomatoe Juice,Watermellon Slushes,Weapons especially swords and knifes,Crazy People ,Being Lazy,Stealing Other People's Food,Being Random,Beenies,Skittles,Talking To Strangers ,Warm Clothes Freash Out Of The Dryer,Washing My Hair,Eating Fried Chicken,Watching Beavis & Butthead ,Dreaming About Random Bullshit,Tetris,Violent M Rated games and R Rated Movies (Mostly Horror),Laughing At Random Bullshit No One ever Gets But Me,Staying Up Really Late,Nighttime,Darkness,Hanging out With Friends,Making Fun Of People When They Are Angry :D ,Loud Music,Funneling Alcohol,The Munchies,Hugging Random People,Telling Random People That I Know Them,Poking Random People,Weekends,incense, fire, arosal cans, explosives, bottle rockets, kinky sex, head banging,Smoking out, making living things suffer, sushie, pranking people,my friend Jamie, skateboarding, loud music, drinking, partying, throwing sharp objects, handing out Jahova's witness pamplets with Jamie at the mall,Talking to Myself Like An Idiot, breaking and entering,riding in fast cars, weapons, graveyards, Wiccan rituals, being destructive, chicken, sex, spicy food, Chick-Fil-A, biting,expelling gas on loved ones, pollution, cats, lighters,snow, snow crab legs,Flamin' hot cheetoes,Flamin' Hot Munchies,Red Bull, vienna sausages, beef jerky, watching horror movies, candy, spiked braclets, bondage, BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD, night time and people who remind me of myself. Red Bull is Awsome !!!, Hippies rule, burning incense(nag chompa)while listening to all my favorite music; "Life's a bitch so live it already".