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What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and everything in it, but lose his Soul in return?

About Me

I have been Forgiven by His Mercy, blessed by His grace and for that I'm so Thankful... I hope that everyone that comes across my page reads this lil section right here because, I am not ashamed of the Gospel (ROMANS 1:16) The Lord Jesus Christ has changed my life, like you could never imagine. He saved me so how else can I repay Him only but by LIVING FOR HIM. His love is unexpressible . I have come to see past the useless things of this life which are only temporary and full of emptiness. I was wrapped up in all of Satans lies at one time myself. Satan had me fooled 4 real. I only cared about, gettin money, having sex, buying clothes, going out partying, buying drugs to get high (weed e-pills coke), buying liqour (Henny Grey Goose ect.), lying, stealing, cheatin, Sleepin with dudes for their money... and at the same time calling myself a christian.. UGH! Now that I am MOS DEF ashamed of, but I praise God that He saved me.. Now don't misunderstand me I'm not saying I'm perfect, but heres what it is, Christ pulled me out of a dirty nasty pit and set me free from sin, and I now live under His grace. Nothing can compare to the joy I now have. And all I had to do was have faith in Him. I now walk by faith and not by sight. I'm developing a solid relationship with Him. But remember Satan is real and he wants us more than you can imagine he hates us and he wants us dead! Satan came to lie steal and destroy... And we do have a choice but I pray you will make the right choice before you leave this earth. Choose Christ People, He loves you like no one else could ever love you. I pray that you focus on eternity, don't be deceived by the ways of this world. I strongly urge you To Read the Bible, Submit yourselves to Him and join a good Jesus focused church! Get connected with people who love Him, serve Him and want to please Him as well. I love you all and I pray that we all turn our backs on satan. Jesus said, "If you're not for me than your against me." Who you wit? Who do you represent? Heaven or Hell? If you reppin Heaven, I pray that your reppin' "Jesus Christ" to the fullest.God Bless You All and Be Encouraged. GRACE AND PEACE - Melinda aka Chozyn - XOXO

My Interests
