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Sevre the Skys

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey im into everything there is what can I say. Sorry about the picture, I will try to post more. but I'm a really cool person to talk to if you just want to unload your stresses....... Um, hmmm, I never really know what to say off the top of my head but I'm sure I will think of it sooner or later.

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Name: Jeffrey
Birthdate: February-19th-1985
Birthplace: El Paso, TX
Current Location: Bamberg Germany
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Which place on my body? (theres a spectrum in my pants)
Height: Taller than you........ maybe
Weight: I have a great body if that's what your asking.
Piercings: none
Tatoos: Celtic Cross with tribal on right arm
Overused Phraze: I Don't Know
Food: Meat
Candy: Anything Chocolate.
Number: Yours
Color: Black and Red
Animal: One that I can eat. But I appreciate dragons.
Drink: Spezi for now but I'm not pickey.
Alcohol Drink: So far I am feelin' the Jack and Cokes
Bagel: Cinnamon Raisin
Letter: Who the hell has a favorite letter?
Body Part on Opposite sex: I mean come on now really, it's obvious.
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: The McWhopper
Strawberry or Watermelon: Depends on what I'm doing..... Or who......
Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced
Chocolate or Vanilla Caramel
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Both so long as they each have more than a shot of Bailey's in them.
Kiss or Hug: Both and everything they may lead to.
Dog or Cat: Dog. Unless it's for target practice reasons.
Rap or Punk: Rock
Summer or Winter: Fall. (Hunting Season)
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: Both
Bedtime: What am I five?
Most Missed Memory: Being reckless before the responsability of a child.
Best physical feature: everything you see. (and everything you don't)
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to do PT.
Goal for this year: Live through it in one piece.
Best Friends: Brittney, Charla, Haunt Veterans, Adrian, Brandon, Adan ( he's the richest beaner I know)
Weakness: I have a few.
Fears: Losing someone close to me.
Heritage: I'm Irish, Native American, and I denounce my French.
Ever Drank: See above. "I'm Irish" now ask me again......
Ever Smoked: Still do like a chimney and I'm trying to quit and blah, blah, blah.
Pot: what's pot*? (..................)
Ever been Drunk: See above again "I'm Irish" ok now moving on.
Ever been beaten up: Once, well it was a cheap shot (one smack and he ran)
Ever beaten someone up: I'm Irish, you tell me.
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes.
Favorite Eye Color: Green
Favorite Hair Color: Red
Short or Long: Long
Height: Shorter than me.
Style: Ecclectic, un-predictable, not ghetto (sorry hood-rats), original yet tasteful
Looks or Personality: Personality (looks are a major plus though) Sense of humor is a must.
Hot or Cute Both
Drugs and Alcohol: prefer drug free but I do enjoy the occasional drink with my significant oter.
Muscular or Really Skinny: Um healthy and curvy a little muscle won't bother me but those steroid juiced girls scare me and I don't like super skinny women. I mean you have to have some hips and an ass.
Number of Regrets in the Past: My regrets are mine and mine alone.
What country do you want to Visit: I'm already there.
How do you want to Die: Quick and painless I guess.
Been to the Mall Lately: there are no malls in Germany.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes very much so.
Get along with your Parents: As best I can but these days are good.
Health Freak: Hell no!!!!!
Do you think your Attractive: Hell yes!!!!
Believe in Yourself: Of Course.
Want to go to College: Someday
Do you Smoke: Didn't we already cover this?
Do you Drink: Is there a glitch in the Matrix?
Shower Daily: When you do PT you have no choice.
Been in Love: Currently am.
Do you Sing: Yes but it perferates the ear drums of those around me and I't would make you want to punch a baby.
Want to get Married: If I didn't want to I wouldn't be.
Do you want Children: My son is doing shots of milk right now. Literally.
Have your future kids names planned out: I don't want anyone to steal it. So I won't say.
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Is this serious?
Hate anyone: One person. Don't care to elaborate any further.
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simple pleasures

you kow...i havrnt had the time to really do a whole lot with this whole myspace thing but in the last week or so ive had alot more time on my hands so hopefully i can keep this up. My 4 year old (al...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 03:32:00 GMT

Upgraded my gray matter.

I changed my site.  Well actually Kimberly did but anyways there are new photos so stop asking me for them because here they are!......................................  Well not right here b...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 15:19:00 GMT