keen in spending money ..of course shopping larh ..huhu ..but not on everything..instead of dat ..i like making some fun activities wif my fwens ..such as sleepover + watch movies + laughing all da time like crazy ppl + and most likely is chitchatting .. hoho..and one more thing ..i luv dark chocolate sooo very muchh!!;p
linkinpark + simpleplan + avrillavigne + greenday + nodoubt + gwenstefani + goodcharlotte + fortminor + pussycatdolls + blackeyedpeas + kellyclarkson + hilary duff + lindsaylohan + and everything dat i like to hear..
LOTR + harrypotter + findingnemo + awalktoremember+ theincredibles + meangirls + shrek + legallyblonde + chasingliberty + funwifdick&jane + mine,yours&ours + horrormovies + newyorkminutes + gol&gincu + aadc + whitechicks + kingkong + narnia + mylovepattzi + mytutorfriend + 100dayswifmr.arrogant + many more...
mtv + desperatehousewives + trucalling + america'snexttopmodel + 8simplerules4datingmyteenagedaughter + mysupersweet16 + pimpmyride + shinchan + phuachukang + marriedtothekellys + less than perfect + thekingof queens + mywife&kids + mr.bean + madelline + thesuitelife + that'ssoraven + colourful life + ....
i only like to read magazine..other than dat..BORING!!