1804 for life ( s'habiller pour vivre) profile picture

1804 for life ( s'habiller pour vivre)

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reportage 1804 FOR LIFE
envoy� par fradesprod Le street wear est mort vive le luxewear wear !! 1804 for life une deuxi�me generation chic wear arrive. Son grand fr�re � connu l’explosion m�diatique et commerciale. Maintenant c’est l’heure de l’affirmation, de l’identit� de la marque1804 for life, de ses valeurs sociales, culturelles, sa cr�ativit� et son esth�tisme. 1804 for life, un concept nouveau a multiples facettes. Certains,entendront le zoom de l’œil sur la culture,l’�thique, l’histoire d’un peuple,le rassemblement des genres et des communaut�s, d’autres l’esth�tisme et le style vestimentaire multiculturelle. 1804 for life veut r�pondre aux besoins d’une g�n�ration multiculturelle, mixte en faisant tomber les barri�res des prix et des fronti�res. Nos clients : Une population entre 15 et 30ans, au profil urbain. Un rassemblement mixte, int�ress� aux questions sociales culturelles et internationales. Notre client�le innovatrice de nouveau concept vestimentaire � la particularit� d’�tre attentif � l’avanc�e de la mode. 1804 for life � chouchoute � sa client�le avec une collection g�n�rationnelleStreet wear is not dead, welcome to luxurywear wear!! 1804 for life a smartwear second generation is coming. His big brother has already discovered a media and commercial explosion. Now it's time for position of our identity for 1804 for life trademark, for their ows socials values, culturals values, his creativity and his beauty. 1804 for life , a new concept with many faces. Some of us will hear the eye zoom the culture, ethics, the poeplehistory, the gathering of styles and communities. 1804 for life wants to meet the needs of a mixed and multicultural generation, while droping the barriers of prices and borders.. Our customers: Poeple between 15 and 30 years old with urban profile. A mixed gahering, interested by socials, culturals and internationals questions. Our innovating customers of new styling concept got the characteristics of being attentive to an advanced fashion. 1804 for life "coocoons" his customers with a generational collection
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