Member Since: 10/21/2006
Influences: richard galliano, rudolf steiner, manu chao, john coltrane, jonna pocovi, gran teatro amaro, el lute, werner herzog, isabelle, the stars and my guts, electricity and magnetism, the new telepathics, earl fontainelle, michel gondry, vicenta y andres.... ah tambien gerardo nunyez y triloc gurtu y.....
Sounds Like: Veloso chatting Mozart while Morrison improvises a poem in Cobain's funeral
and Richards throws TV's out of hotel windows in some north american lost highway after smoking one with Bob, right in the very moment Harper was a confused sperm finding it's way in or out. (of course Waits was the commentator of the scene and Cohen was fixing the cocktails while wistling a mellancholically bright melody)
Type of Label: Unsigned