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If you have a subtle or not so subtle feeling of discontentment somewhere deep inside and the feeling that things are about to change dramatically on this planet very soon, you are not alone and you are extremely right! Every person on earth is feeling this…
Let US introduce you to The Oneness Blessing also known as Deeksha!
What is the Oneness Blessing?
It has often been said that if you take one step towards God, then God will take a hundred steps towards you. We have so many ways to take a step towards the divine: prayer, meditation, chanting — in fact every kind of spiritual practice in every tradition. The Oneness Blessing is one way that the divine can reach out to mankind, it is a gift, a benediction of grace.
The Oneness Blessing originates out of the Oneness university in South India, where it is known as “deeksha.†Deeksha is a sanskrit word which means initiation, or benediction.
What are the effects of the Oneness Blessing?
Those who receive the Oneness Blessing, either one time or repeatedly over weeks or months, report that it impacts their lives in many ways. Most people report a deeper sense of peace and calm in the midst of external change, and a sense of happiness that has no outer cause. People also report health issues clearing up, greater intimacy and harmony in relationship, greater creativity and capacity to make decisions, often resulting in greater worldly and financial success and wellbeing. Ultimately repeatedly receiving the Oneness Blessing over a prolonged period leads to a profound and direct Awakening into Oneness with all that is.
How is the Oneness Blessing given?
The Blessing is generally given by the Blessing giver placing their hands on the recipient’s head for thirty seconds to a few minutes. In India this is known as sparsha deeksha. It can also be given through the eyes (nayana deeksha) or without touching the person at all, just through the power of intention (smarana deeksha). In this way the Oneness Blessing can be given to hundreds or even thousands of people at the same time.
What might you experience during the Oneness Blessing?
Subjective experiences during the Oneness Blessing vary enormously from one person to another, and even for the same person, from one Blessing to another. It is sometimes very strong, sometimes subtle. It is sometimes blissful, while sometimes buried memories or feelings are brought to the surface, and there may be a temporary experience of discomfort. Some people may experience nothing at all, and only days or even weeks later do they notice any effect. Ultimately all this does not matter so much, for whatever the experience, the Blessing initiates a process which leads to the Awakening into Oneness.
Who can receive the Oneness Blessing?
Anyone of any age may receive the Oneness Blessing, including children and babies. You can even give the Oneness Blessing to your pets. If someone is suffering from a severe psychological illness, the Oneness Blessing should only be given under the supervision of a licensed professional.
Who can give the Oneness Blessing?
The Oneness Blessing can be given by anyone who has completed the 21 day Oneness Process at the Oneness University in India. You can find the names and contact information for Oneness Blessing givers in other sites listed in the links section of this site.
Does the Oneness Blessing belong to any religion or belief?
The Oneness Blessing brings about changes in the energy in the brain, which gradually enables the senses to be free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calm, and intimacy with all that is real. All of these changes occur independently of belief, faith or philosophy. The Oneness Blessing is given every day all over the world by people of all different races, religions and spiritual practices. It has been embraced by Christian Bishops and priests, by Muslim Imams, by Buddhists, Hindus and agnostics. Each has found that the Oneness Blessing enhances their particular religious faith and experience. It is not necessary to change your religion, or to adopt a new guru or teacher to give or to receive the Oneness Blessing.
How did the Oneness Blessing come about at this time?
It is widely accepted that our planet and our race is facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions. Many eminent authorities agree that we must pass through a quantum leap in the evolution of collective consciousness, or possibly perish. The Oneness Blessing, brought forward at this time by the founders of the Oneness University, Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, has the potential to precipitate millions of people into an Awakening into Oneness, the essential foundation for a new phase of human life.Description above courtesy of Arjua Ardagh from his book Awakening Into Oneness