Ben is from Centerville, IN. Graduated in 1980.
Rhonda is from Cambridge City, IN. Graduated in 1980. We met as Best Man and Maid of Honor and about three weeks later we were in Jelicho Tennessee getting married. Must be doing something right we have stayed together for 28 years Jan. 3, 1981. We have ridden the best roller coaster ride of life, we have stuck together through the rough, rocky, and low times and loved the thrill of the highs in our lives together. We have three children, and five grandchildren. I'm sure there is more I could say, but hey, it's 3 in the morning. Check back - I'll work on this
Ground the judge (
A recent court decision in Canada should send chills down every parent's spine. The ruling is so out of bounds that the news story sounds like a parody -- but it isn't. A Canadian judge ruled that a 12-year-old girlAmerica's parents had better look north and take notice. This judicial atrocity hits very close to home.