Vlad profile picture


Welcome to the border of the planet

About Me

I'm random Also, read http://www.myspace.com/cheshiremirror for some information about the band. No music yet, though there are a couple of crappy demos on the web.1. Fav chips Those little, green ones i get from the black box under my screen. they're tasty and crunchy but for some reason my computer shuts off when i eat them.2. Favorite sexual position *opens the Kamasutra, closes his eyes and points randomly to any page* "Copyright, 1998, India" Well... we can try that one.3. Current hair color i'm secretely frying your braincells.4. Shaved or puby go watch my pics to find out... if you dare...5. eye color beauty (is in the eye of the beholder)6. size ever seen Anaconda?7. Idol Satan. Wait... that's me... hmmm... i feel so self-centered now.8. Hate people that think their shit don't stink? Nah, I just fart on them and ask yell "BLOODY MURDER!"9. Favorite genre Progressive bisexual anime music. Yes, I will start doing that.10. Biggest disapointment artist Papa Roach, i wanna squeeze them!11. Band to watch Mars Volta12. Giving oral or receiving? You mean food? How can a fried chicken give me oral, YOU EFFING SICKO?!13. Chocolate or Vanilla? Ice?14. Pussies or bitches? I like cats! n_n... that's not what you meant, right?15. Do you smoke? I started Roma's fire to light my smokes (cuz I'm god)16. Why? Cuz I'm god. Are you reading?17. Like porn? Doing or watching?18.Current game your playing Conker's BFD19. shoe size Ever seen Anaconda?20. Dick size I'm a girl!21. got kids They were delicious22. love them Read the previous answer.23. You love your parents So, how's the weather?24. Best Friend Amy25. Is your wife hot she's so hot you're jeallous now . 26. Is she a milf she's not my mommy!27. Even though your married and got kids do you still fuck? You're a little ahead of time, James Bond.28. What do you want to do "Thank you, Vlad" "FUCK YOU!" *general gasp* "Volvagia me metió el pene" *general gasp. somebody from the back rises theirhand* "Pero... volvagia era hembra" *Vlad slowly shakes his head, looking down* "Le pegué en un huevo con mi mazo... un espermatozoide me fecundó" *general revolting sound* "Ya no tengo motivos para vivir" *lets the Megatton Hammer fall and leaves by the right*29. Are you hard Is that a proposition?30. Anything to say ¡Ojalá te salga un gusano del culo!
You scored as Sloth.














Seven deadly sins
created with SatanFinally, somebody who came up with something to put myspace in it's place... so, here it is... for all the begging of comments on new pics (since they don't determine who loves you and who doesn't), and for all the stupid friends adds...1. If you're ugly, stop acting like you don't know it. The caption under your picture that says "Me Being Sexy" doesn't convince anyone. (I'm so fucking, fucking, fucking hot)2. To the people who have like 25,098 friends....are you serious? Nobody in this universe has that many friends. You're stupid. Go kill yourself. (do!)3. Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. (So, you say it once again, i'm gonna stick a french fry on your eye)4. Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded. (Oh, oh, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry... excuse me! How would you like to suck my balls... Mr. Garrison?)5. Making 20 bulletins a day about how you have new pictures and begging people to comment on them is pathetic. Make the bulletin once if you have to, and those who actually care about you, will comment on your pics. (Well, Sandi! It's the truth!)6. If all your pictures look the same, don't post them all. Please put some variety in your pics. Nobody wants to see your face 8 different ways. (come on, i don't want to see even one!)7. Who really gives a rat's ass if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON. Don't send me another request or message asking "what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend; that's what's up!(meaning? The fact i like some band doesn't mean i'm gonna like your lame- ass band... fuck off)8. Little 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who have MySpace and look like sluts, go somewhere else because nobody wants you here. (n_n)9. If you have decided to read this, you are a true MySpace Friend. Real friends read their bulletins. (yeah, yeah, got it from a bulletin... what are they gonna do? sue me?)10. I say you go and pass this on and maybe it will finally get through people's brains (if they have them). (I didn't make that note)11. And if you open a bulletin and it says something like "you will die in 10 days if you dont repost this," IT'S NOT REAL! QUIT BEING A FUCKING BABY! (oh, how i would love to be Sadako)WTF?!!!Just what everybody loves to see... somebody with the prediction of suicide... though, work it well... you can get the results you want to. In the end, we don't decide how we die, but we decide how we live.
You scored as Suicide. Your death will be suicide. What more can I say? Fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you want to know hwo you will commit suicide, take a look at your second highest percentage on the bar graphs.















Cut Throat








Natural Causes



How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.comAnd now, for your delight, something nobody will read. Anyway, I spent too long doing this shit, to discover it was designed for girls... once, a guy was biking around the world... in an Asian country, he noticed how people was giggling when he passed by... all the time, he was wearing this hat, and it was in the end that he discovered the hat was a female dressing part...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A 200 Question FUN
Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)

Full Name:: José Villalobos Maroto
Birthday:: Uhhh... I don't know
Birthplace:: A labor room, i guess
Eye Color:: how do i know the mirror isn't lying to me?
Hair Color:: eye color
Height:: No idea
Weight:: No idea
Right handed or Left handed?: I'm allright
Your Heritage:: somos mitad caballeros mitad bohemios y embusteros, no somos lo que un padre quiere para su hijita bebé
My Worst Habit:: smoking, bitting my nails
Zodiac Sign:: Cancer
Shoe Size:: One that my foot fits into
Pants Size:: ... i won't answer that way...
Innie or Outie?: condom
Parents Still Together?: no
The Shoes You Wore Today:: the same i wore yesterday, biotch
Your Weakness:: sincerity
Your Fears:: mom
Your Perfect Pizza:: the ones i make
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: getting to Canada
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: ¬¬ perra
Thoughts First Waking Up:: "fuuuuuuuczzzzzzzz..z.z.z.z.zzz"
Your Best Physical Feature:: Ask somebody else
Your Bedtime:: 2 am
Your Most Missed Memory:: If i miss it, how can i remember it, idiot?
Favorite color?: Black, blue
Food?: small mammals.. living, twitching small mammals
Sport?: Keyboard
Animal?: Bush
Ice Cream?: Choco Chips
Candy?: Rabbit
Store?: for what?
Salad Dressing?: spicey
Actor?: Morgan Freeman
Song?: Meccamputechture, Asilos Magdalena
Letter?: wtf...?
Number?: 129 387,12
Gum?: semen
Holiday?: i don't know
Season?: both seasons suck
Toothpaste Flavor?: ... this is starting to get stupid...
Radio Station?: i don't listen to radio.
Perfume?: 212 PUERCO
Scent besides perfume?: bacon
Body part on the opposite sex?: hands
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: a grown up
How Do You Want To Die?: dead
Turn ons:: redheads
Turn offs:: creampie
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Haha... Matuque is my clone... right, little brother?
Who's The Loudest?: *insert all my friends here*
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: hmmm... i don't know
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Diego
Who's The Shyist?: Paz?
When Have You Cried The Most?: October- November 2005
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Getting back at somebody
Worst Feeling?: humilliation
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: who knows?
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: i would get rid of my four tits
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: I'll tell you when I die
Let's walk on the: valley of the death
Let's look at the: sun.. AAAAH, MY EYES!!!!
What a nice: pussy
Where did all the: dildos went? THEY WERE IN MY ASS!
Why can't we: burn houses?
Silly, little: mammal
Isn't it weird that: they know how to start the sentence?
Never under any circumstance: will i deny to do something.
I wish: upon a star... that the goddam star fell on somebody's house
Everyone has a: belly button
I am: a belly button
Been In Love?: yes, and also confused crush with love
Been To Juvie?: Not yet
Mooned Someone?: Buzz Aldrin
Been Rejected?: childish crushes
Ran Away From Home?: not yet.
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yeah, and non- crushes too.. and you too
Skipped School?: mhmmm
Thought About Suicide?: yeah, not that i'm proud of that stage of life.
Slept Outside?: mhmmm
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: years ago
Cried In School?: may be in elementary, can't remember
Thrown Up In School?: yeah, during mass
Wanted To Be a Model?: i have a brain, you know?
Cheated On Someone?: kinda, and i'm sorry
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: i'm not laughing, so i can't recall
Seen A Dead Body?: yes
Been Bitched Out?: yes
Drank Alcohol?: yes
Smoked?: A LOT
Been On Drugs?: i hate them
Eaten Sushi?: hmmm... yuuuuuuuuum... orgasmic
Been On Stage?: a couple of times
Gone Skinny Dipping?: in the shower
Shoplifted?: kinda
Been Drunk?: sorry
Been Called A Tease?: by my gf
Been Beaten Up?: no
Swear?: yes
Sing Well?: no
Shower Daily?: how often is dialy?
Want To Go To College?: mweh
Want To Get Married?: Yes
Believe In Yourself?: ---
Get Motion Sickness?: sometimes
Think You Are Attractive?: no
Get Along With Your Parents?: hmmm...
Like Thunderstorms?: yes, unless the light goes off in the middle of an msn chat
Play An Instrument?: Bass, mostly
Own An IPOD?: Indigestional Putrid Ornamental Disease... yes
Pray?: yes
Go To Church?: no, unless i have matches and gasoline
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: ... you're fucking sick...
Keep A Journal/Diary?: xanga
Dance In The Rain?: and i listen to Beethoven too
Sing In The Shower?: depends...
Pepsi or Coke?: it's the fucking same
McDonald's or Burger King?: ¬¬
Single or Group Dates?: wtf?
Chocolate or Vanilla?: both, mixed in my anus
Strawberries or Blueberries?: straw
Meat or Veggies?: meat
TV or Movie?: depends
Guitar or Drums?: no point of comparation
Adidas or Nike?: i'm starting to get bored of this questionary
Chinese or Mexican?: Girls?
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: what are cheerios?
Cake or Pie?: pies have
MTV or VH1?: both are shit
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: i'll go cut my nuts off first
Write With Both Hands?: i can do other things with both hands... like playing bass
Whistle?: no
Blow A Bubble?: i also ate bubbles
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: i'm doing it right now
Cross Your Eyes?: yeah... last time, the left ended up in the right and viceversa
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: never tried
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: yeah...
Dance?: yeapies
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: dog food?
You Touched:: ... i won't answer that
You Talked To On The Phone:: my love
You Instant Messaged:: Dawn, 6 seconds ago
You Hugged:: i don't know
You Yelled At:: that must have been years ago... no, wait... Cristian
You Played A Sport With:: is sex a sport?
Time You Laughed?: no idea, may be a few mins ago
Time You Cried?: couple of weeks ago
Movie You Watched?: can't remember
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: what was the last gum i chewed?
Joke You Told?: your momma
Song You've Sung?: My ass
Where Are You?: in fronto f a computer
What Can You See Out Your Window?: another window
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: clothes
What's On Your Mousepad?: a mouse
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: if there is, i hope they don't go through this fucking questionary
Do you believe in miracles?: it's a miracle i reached this question
Magic?: can you magically answer the rest of the questions?
Love at first sight?: no
God?: yes, and i hate it
Satan?: no
Ghosts?: kinda
Santa?: i fuck with his mother when he's away
Evolution?: not for you
Fav Eye Color:: brown
Fav Hair Color:: dark
Short or Long Hair:: long
Height:: i don't know
Weight:: why do ihave the feeling this is a girly questionary?
Best Clothing Style:: whatever makes him look good
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Canada
Number Of CD's I Own:: about 350
Your Good Luck Charm:: my penis
How many pillows do you sleep with?: ... you sick bastard
Do you drink milk?: is that a pun?
Person You Hate Most:: my old self
Most Outdated Phrase:: te mataré, maldita perra
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: to the graveyard
How many rings until you answer the phone?: one ring to rule them all
What is something scientists need to invent?: shorter questionaries
Are you a health freak?: naaaaaaaah *pulls out a bugger*
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Space
What is the worst weather?: the one you can't enjoy
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: and they enjoyed it
How many grades have you failed?: none
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEThis is what i think of christianism in the hands of men: ..
What Horror Movie Creature/Killer Are You???

You're the fat girl that was made fun of, that can't get over the fact that it was years ago, and tries to frame her murders, on another geek she once kissed. Also, we think you're cool enough as to kill the idiot who made this quiz and to send a dead rat to the dude who made Myspace
What Futurama Character are you?
Hubert J. Farnsworth
You are a intelligent person with a hint of craziness in you. You have great ideas, but tend not to complete them.
What Family Guy are you?
Stewie Griffin
Smart and devious
You scored as Cheshire Cat (wtf?! I wanted to be Alice!). You are the Cheshire Cat T.T. You love to play jokes on people because to you, thats the funniest thing in the world. People usually come to you when they need help though, and if you arent playing jokes, you can point them in the right direction.
Cheshire Cat


The Mad Hatter


Mister Caterpillar




Twedledee and Twedledum


The Flowers


The Queen of Hearts

Which is your Alice In wonderland alter-ego
created with SuperSatan

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

David Bowie, Mr. Ziggy StardustThe Mars Volta, greatest Prog band everDream Theater, they're pretty cool tooTatsuya Ishida, creator of SinfestZack de la Rocha, ex vocals of RATMMax Cavalera, exvocals of SepulturaMr. Ass, your lord and master... kiss it or die!


3 Inches of Blood, A Perfect Circle, Ablaze my Sorrow, AC/DC, Adema, After Forever, Akira Yamaoka, Alan Silvestri, Anathema, Angelzoom, Angerfist, Apocalyptica, Arch Enemy, Asrai, At the Drive In, At the Gates, Atheist, Atreyu, Avalanch, Avantasia, Avenged Sevenfold, Bathory, Benedictine Monks Of St. Michael's, Björk, Blind Guardian, Buddy Rich, Candlemass, Carl Orff, Carlos Gardel, Cheshire Mirror, Children of Bodom, Chimaira, Coal Chamber, Cradle of Filth, Damageplan, Dark Funeral, Dark Tranquility, David Bowie, DDevils, Deep Purple, Deftones, Devildriver, Dimmu Borgir, Disturbed, DJ Starscream, Dope, Dragon Force, Dream Theater (and the solo careers of James, John and Jordan), Enya, Epica, Era, Evanescence, Fear Factory, Floggin Molly, Godsmack, Gogol Bordello, Guano Apes, H.I.M., Haggard, Hammerfall, Haevenly, Helloween, Héroes del Silencio, Hinder, Ill Nino, In Flames, Iron Maiden, Jaco Pastorius, Juno Reactor, Kamelot, Khaos, Killswitch Engage, Kittie, KMFDM, Korn, Kotipelto, Kreator, L'amme Immortelle, Lacrimosa, Lacuna Coil, Leaves Eyes, Led Zeppelin, Liquid Tension Experiment, Lullacry, MacBeth, Mägo de Oz, Marilyn Manson, Massive Attack, Mastodon, Meshuggah, Metallica, Midnattsol, Mindless Self Indulgence, Ministry, Mnemic, Moonsorrow, Moonspell, Mötorhead, Mozart, Mullmuzzler, Murderdolls, My Dying Bride, Nemesea, Nevermore, Nickelback, Nightwish, Nina Haggen, Nine Inch Nails, Nonpoint, O.S.I., One Minute Silence, Opeth, Otep, Our Lady Peace, P.O.D., Pain of Salvation, Pachabel, Pantera, Papa Roach (first album only), Pendulum, Peregrino Gris, Pink Floyd, Playtipus, Primus, Project Wyze, Prong, Public Enemy, Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Red Harvest, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Siebenbürgen, Rhapsody, Rob Zombie, Saliva, Sarah McLachlan, Saratoga, Seether, Sepultura, Siebenbürgen, Silent Civilian, Silverchair, Sirenia, Sisters of Mercy, Slayer, Slipknot, Smile Empty Soul, Sonata Arctica, Soulfly, Sprouting Seed, Static X, Staind, Stone Sour, Strapping Young Lad, Stratovarius, Stavaganzza, Susperia, Symphony X, System of a Down, The Mars Volta, The Missing, The Sins of thy Beloved, Theatre of Tragedy, Theatres des Vampires, Therion, Three Days Grace, Tierra Santa, To Die For, Tool, Trail of Tears, Trans- Siberian Orchestra, Tristania, Trivium, Type O Negative, U2, Vader, Victor Wooten, Void, Void Settler, Within Temptation, Wojciech Kilar, Xandria, Yanosuri Mitsuda, Zack de la Rocha



My Blog

Ya no entiendo (the urge to speak)

Ya no entiendo lo que nos está pasando. ¿Por dónde vamos? ¿Qué somos uno del otro? ¿De verdad confías en mí?Ni yo lo sé, la verdad. Tantas peleas, tan poco tiempo juntos, tan poco que compartimos, el ...
Posted by Vlad on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:52:00 PST

Ode to Myspace (isn't it true?)

Myspace is a pretty place Lots of pervs everywhere, Looking for tities and other Long ours in front of the computer... Lonely people with no friends, who have no one to take their pics, need a mirror...
Posted by Vlad on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 07:26:00 PST

Writter's Block III, or how I forgot about the La Vey perception and went Summerian

My guts out, out of perception, have chased optical illusions for too long, and for the lack of a watch my hours wonder behind me, stealing each one an idea.Posterior skull, I find a feather and a bot...
Posted by Vlad on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:27:00 PST

The Mars Volta - Meccamputechture

Amputechture came Philistine praise Bottomless pit of empty names Incarcerated habits Tore from the palms Severing the breast Nursing all the young They needed those locks Of dirty red hair A neckla...
Posted by Vlad on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:40:00 PST


I don't mind what will happen to me... or what others think it's the best...i don't mind dying in the attempt...or being severly injured...i don't mind the wrath of god...or the laws above my head......
Posted by Vlad on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:02:00 PST

Eheyeh asher eheyeh

You know what it is?Vicarious Atonement... Jesus Christ was trialed my Sanedrin in the middle of the night, with no witnesses to deffend him, no more words than "Yes, I am" to the question of "are you...
Posted by Vlad on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:47:00 PST

Toos & Broken Hands (lyrics by Vlad)

I have nothing but my blood stained satisfaction, traces on my skin of what my soul can never say I know I'm mistaken, but can not bury the pain, instigated, crucified to my needles and my blades. Onc...
Posted by Vlad on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:26:00 PST

N.M.E II (lyrics by Calaca & Vlad)

I kill some heathens for my pride And spill napalm on a girl who runs I invade your land, now it's your law But better yet I killed a man Now fear me, motherfucker I'm here to steal The blood of the i...
Posted by Vlad on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:27:00 PST

Raziel (lyrics by Vlad)

You've been a slave under my command This is out of control, break free of me Break free of my hands, I don't want you My own brethren smother my existence. What is this inside me that bite so hard? I...
Posted by Vlad on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:25:00 PST

Higher (lyrics by Vlad)

Locked in my room with a ghost Who says so many things quietly Promises everything will be fine And makes me ignore those false SPELLS OF DECEPTION WORDS OF DISSAPOINTMENT. I tie my own hands and let ...
Posted by Vlad on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:24:00 PST