Member Since: 10/20/2006
Band Website: You know, nothing yet... check out Keep Your Fork!
Band Members: Just me and a couple of dear inanimate friends like Ama...
Influences: Julia Child, Weather Underground, Ray Johnson, the Funk Brothers, Cornell West, Haruki Murakami, Dalai Lama (His Holyness), Jesus, Mohammed, Gautama, Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, Keep Your Fork There's Pie, Edward R. Murrow, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Andrew Goldsworthy, Maureen "Gus" Canterberry, the seasons changing, cold beer and warm red wine, words, photos, waves of emotion and moments of calm, dear patient and kind friends like my brothers, forkers, Andrea, Jon Isom, Desmond Gordon, Rumi, Khalil Gibran, how much running I get to do, my beloved Seagull guitar with the glued neck, the departed friend Elliott (I will never forget you my sweet dog), dark chocolate, eggs (fried, poached, hard-boiled, scrambled, on a bed of greens, on toast or a bagel, thank you chickens of the world!), people who have the courage and prana to set themselves afire so that we can live by the light, my mother, stepmother, and two dads, all of the families and children that I have ever had the pleasure to work with (hindsight is lovely), Steve Eubank and the THS Madrigals, Hollywood Boulevard, round smooth stones, feathers, and everything under and past the sun that has the ability to create the spark of wonderment.
Sounds Like: God I hate this part.
Record Label: Unsigned