Personality/Emotions Survey
A Little About You
Name?: Sean
Age?: lo0k up my page!!!
How old do you act?: my age
Gender?: FEmale
Do you take on the stereotypical role of your gender?: n0pe!
Sexual orientation?: tul-id
Are you a religious or spiritual person?: more spirituaL but I go to church on sundays!
What religion do you follow?: Roman CathoLic
Zodiac sign?: Sagittarius
Do you even believe in astrology?: nah... n0t realLy
Are you an introvert or extrovert?: intr0vert... but i can be b0th... trust me; D
Righty or lefty?: righty
Which is more important to you; logic or faith?: there's gotta be a baLance between the two... but... Logic
Do you believe in aliens, ghosts, or anything paranormal?:
Questions To Make You Think
How do you want to die?: fast, painLess, and most importantLy ready
When you die, would you rather be alone, or with those you love?: with those I love
Do you cry a lot?: no
How can people tell if you're lying?: i don't know, u'lL have 2 ask th3m
Do you talk more with verbal language... or body language?: depends on who i'm taLkin to...;-D
How do you cope with depression?: f0od, reading, thinking
How about stress?: same... try to reLax a bit
Anger?: siLence... and then throw things out... spend sum tym aLone to think and then handLe it...welL
Jealousy?: I don't get jealous much...
Do friends "happen", or do you "choose" your friends?: hapPen
What makes a good friend?: und3rstanding, th0ughtfuL, pr3sEnt,fun
Do you consider yourself a good friend? Why or why not?:
What are you known for around school or work?: i'm n0t a very sociaL pers0n...
If you had to label yourself as anything, what would it be?: HuMaN... or should i say HuMyN
Are you...
Secretive or open?: depends on the t0pic... but I say m0re of the siLent type
Forgiving or ruthless?: 4giVing
Dominant or submissive?: d0miNant hihihiihhihihi
Honest or a liar?: h0nest... but a whit3 lie doesn't hurt
Strict or laid back?: laid back... on m0st things! lol
Greedy or kind?: kind... charness! ayaw'g angal! profile nako nih! lol
Open minded or close minded?: 0pen... definitely
Comical or serious?: both! i'm nuts! lol
A fighter or a person that 'goes with the flow'?: ...g0es w/ the fyter!
Outspoken or quiet?: depends on my mood....
Rude or polite?: p0l... depends on my mood... sorry!
Do you...
Smoke?: nop3
Drink alcohol?: n0p3
Take illegal drugs?: n0pe
Do well in school?: I'm okay... lol
Even give a shit about school?: sumtyms!
Care what others think about you?: no...
Care about your looks a lot?: nop3! lol
Steal from people?: no
Talk about your problems when things are bugging you?: sumtyms... if i can't talk, i write
Listen to your friend's problems?: yes
Take out your emotions on others?: no
Take out your emotions on others?: no gali!
Trust others easily?: used to... but now I know better! lol
Trust yourself?: yeah... sure
Move on easily?: hhhhhmmmmmmmm.....
Some Random Things
Name some of your fears.: RATS! heights... being alone... the usual!
Name some of your pet peeves.: huh?
What's your favorite kind of weather?: cloudy... does that even count? lol.. k. RAINY
Would you rather be indoors or outdoors?: depends on the weather... lol
Do you have any bad habits? List them.: manana habit! does that count? lol
How many of your friends do you consider "best" friends?: maybe 4 or 5 of them...
What pisses you off the most?: when i try to concentrate on things and people bugs me! little things...
What makes you happy?: the people i love!
Who pisses you off the most?: my brother! don't get me wrong, i love him 2
Who makes you happy?: the people i love... and...hihihii
What are you thinking about?: who phished me... what to do next....
What do you smell?: perfume
What do you hear?: nothing...
What are you sitting on?: a black swivel chair
What's bothering you?: my br0ther!!!
What are you emotions?: i'm feeling... blah!
Tell me everything that's on your mind.: no thanks...
Eating or drinking anything?: nothing... just ate
What are you looking forward to?: Christmas
Besides filling out this survey, what are you doing?: downloading sumthin
What's on your desk?: directory. remot3 control
What are you wearing?: pyjamas... i suck i know!
Who are you talking to?: my dad, my m0m(it's mother's day ya know!), and the "ass" LoLl
Aaand lastlyyyy....
Did you like this survey?: it's okay...
Do you love me?: no... hu r u?
You better love me.: i don't think so...
Because I love you.: yeah right!
Oh, how's the weather?: it's fine
Glad to hear that. And now we're done.: good!
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