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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me
My name is Shaun Moore, though some know me as Shaun Anthony, or SA even. I'm a graduate student and employee at Oakland University where I develop web applications and help with the online classes, or Moodle as we like to call it, mainly because that is the name the developers gave it. Ok, so we're not that creative.
But I like to pretend I am. I like to read and write, and some other activities that are not fit to be listed here. But you can find some of my actual writing and more information on my site if you're interested:
As well as working at OU, I take classes there, and probably will until the day that I die. As Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning today is young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” I’m getting my English Masters degree now, and after that…only time shall tell.
I also play bass guitar for two lovely bands. The first is my true love, the great band known as Stroller Coaster . We’re a punk rock type band that is pretty much geek rock, but I dig it. We play around town from time to time, so check us out at . My second band is tentatively called Hornet Gun, more of a blues rock type thing. Practice keeps me busy.
If I'm pushed to say something else, I've been told that I have a rather dry sense of humor. People have been known to spontaneously combust around me, but there is no proven evidence that I had anything to do with it. My lawyers have advised me to say nothing more on this topic, so if you want more details, refer to the crime syndicate pages that I know you're all pouring over in your free time.
Aside from that, I dabble in the French language, et si vous ne me croyez pas, allez vous faire foutre! I spent six months in France in 2003 , and I've been dying to go back ever since.
I also sometimes frequent Paris 1900 in Second Life. If you have Second Life installed, you can visit this town here: Paris 1900
I got to go back to France for Christmas and New Years, and it was simply amazing, as you can only imagine. I have posted a pic or two.
Oh, and if me flying the flag of France bothers anyone in any way, find the nearest sharp object and shove it in your eye. Being patriotic does not mean hating everyone else.
My Writing:
You can view my Urbis , Edit Red or Writers Cafe accounts to see and review some of my work.
I'm in the process of trying to get my first book published . You can click on the picture to the right to view the first three chapters, including the prologue. All comments are always welcome. While I wait for that to happen, I'm writing book 2.
Warning: This story is not for the faint of heart, and probably anyone under the age of 18. But in the first few chapters there really isn't much to disturb anyone.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd really like to meet a fictional character from one of my books , but that probably isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'm still looking for Zuzu Petals, but I guess I could settle for meeting normal people, just as long as they're not too normal. I don't want them to piss me off with their normalcy. You strange ones know what I'm talking about. Maybe someone who call tell me what this means:
But just to be as offensive as possible, since I have a tendency to do such things, I'd like to meet Jesus if that's at all possible. If not, just sign me up for a box of the truffles. God knows I love chocolate.

If I send you a message that offends you, I must apologize for it. I'm sure offending you wasn't my original intent, it's just a rule of mine - I can't let stupid dogs lie.
If my religious standpoint bothers you, or if you just want some explanation, you can view my The Holy Bible and Infallible God page. There is always this lovely page about Socrates meeting Jesus if you feel brave enough. A must read. And for the truly brave, you can see what George Carlin has to say about Religion .
As well, the image below sums me up perfectly. This is what I am. It is up to you to decide what it really means.

William Shakespeare
Sonnet 144

Two loves I have of comfort and despair,
Which like two spirits do suggest me still:
The better angel is a man right fair,
The worser spirit a woman colour'd ill.
To win me soon to hell, my female evil
Tempteth my better angel from my side,
And would corrupt my saint to be a devil,
Wooing his purity with her foul pride.
And whether that my angel be turn'd fiend
Suspect I may, but not directly tell;
But being both from me, both to each friend,
I guess one angel in another's hell:
Yet this shall I ne'er know, but live in doubt,
Till my bad angel fire my good one out.

If after all of that you still feel that you want to talk to me, my AIM name is ZorazSolan

    Shaun Moore's Friend Space

There is no you, there is only me

Who needs enemies when I have friends like these...

My Blog

Come see me play live music on Thursday, Jan 22!

Nerds of the world rejoice!  After much practice and changing of band members, the band that I'm in, Stroller Coaster, has booked its first show.Thursday, January 22, 2009The FactoryDowntown Rochest...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:38:00 GMT