invaders from sears profile picture

invaders from sears

About Me

Formed in 1986, released 2 albums, an ep and a greatest hits/rarities comp, but then vanished mysteriously in 1989 somewhere over Providence Rhode Island in a single engine Beechcraft while on tour with famed singing rodeo stars "Desi Arnaz and The Entire Country of Argentina". Rumor has it they parachuted to safety and have been raising fresh water lobsters on a raft in Long Island Sound and painstakingly recording their 3rd album "I'm The Prom Queen."
Although mainly gigging with local hardcore and post punk bands, Invaders From Sears were arguably the first "industrial" band in western connecticut, and definitely the seminal regional noisepop band (spawning CT superstars BunnyBrains, Freakbaby and Monsterland), and were a favorite band and influence of Moby and Sonic Youth in the late 80s. (The intro to the Ciccone Youth "Whitey Album" was endearingly "ripped off" from the intro to the first Invaders From Sears album). Recording entirely on a 3 track portastudio that once belonged to Peter Frampton, and armed with a studio full of furniture, kitchen utensils and occasionally some actual musical instruments, the Vaders chugged out a large variety of tunes ranging from samplercore, foamcore, and dippycore, scary noise collage and post new wave/proto indie pop.
Download Invaders From Sears full length albums for FREE (click this link)

My Interests


Member Since: 28/03/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Itsallbecauseofthisstupidindustrialrevolutionnonsense ahundredcanoesatleast basicallyanotheroneofthoselargedesktopeditions thickansonylonplush - plays things
(The Late) Pope XYZ Armadillo Mk III Deluxe - assists
Mr. Marilyn Chambers - gogo dances menacingly
Influences: Thalidomide & The One Armed Mongoloids, Ricardo Porcupino & His Submersible All-Butter Croissants, Delicious Chocolate Waffles, Spikey Jiggle Balls, I Cant Believe Its Not Yogurt, Double-Sided Sticky Tape, Zirconium and the Elastic Peg-Legged Manicurists, Ted Zeppelin, Slack Rabbith, Die (Eisgekühlte) Eiswürfel, Kajagluegun, Squirrel Factor, The Dainty Cyclones, Hokey Monocular, The Flushing Noodles, Jeff Smith The Frugal Gourmet, Mirielle from French in Action, Winnie ther Pooh
Sounds Like: "Like having your nose pierced by a Boeing 767" -Carmen Miranda
"Sort of like Phil Spector with a real bad hangover sealed in a very large crab and macaroni casserole" -David Rockefeller
"Its more effective than the leading mean's deodorant" -Sergei Eisenstein
"Spleen music for spleen people" -Gloria Swanson
"Rasin Bran with legs!" -Count Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
"I hear Robert Louis Stevenson makes waffles with spinach and pomegranate sauce" -A.A. Milne
"That's what we heard too!" -Van D. Kamp, Mrs. Paul, D. Gorton Fisherman
"Yeah, so what, you probably use egg beaters and fozen f*cking pancake batter, you commie wimps!" -Bob L Stevenson
"Dance Pop for Mold Spores in Purgatory" -Ghengis Kahn
"So so, but it left me in stitches, har har har! Get it? Stitches? So So? Its a pun, its really hilar- aw fuck it" -Elias Howe
"What? Am I supposed to eat this?" -Emerson Fitpaldi
"Mmmm, Tasty!" -"Big Daddy" Don Garlits

Record Label: Bilge Dasto, TPOS, Observation Deck Information
Type of Label: Indie