FootbaLL,Sailing, Movies, Photography, Modern Dance,Techno, ElectRo, ANDY WARHOL,Gothic literature, Hr Giger, AbsurdiSt TheatRe, Fashion!
EternaL Sunshine of the SpotleSs mind,Blow, Pulp Fiction, Chicago, Godfather, A Clockwork Orange, City of God, requiem for a dream, donnie darko, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Hero, Big Fish, Lock stock and two smoking barrels,Ichi the Killer, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Oldboy, Being John MaLkovich, VincenT, Snatch, Fight Club, cROsSing the bridge...
Angels in America
Animal Farm, 1984, A Clockwork Orange, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories, Art Now Vl.2, a darkly scanner,etc.
Tim BurTon, Andy WarHoL,HR Giger, Edgar Allan Poe, Johny Depp