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B Andi B.

I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

Wow, Another year to grow and learn. I've made so many mistakes in my life and I'm sure I'll continue to do so. This year I want to learn to be a better mom and put my kids needs first. I want to be a loving and supportive wife and let Jason know that I am his biggest fan and so very proud to be his wife. I want to be a better daughter and learn how to not sweat the small stuff and honor my mother even now at this point in my life. But most of all I want to please the Lord and fear Him with a Holy Fear that lets Him know how much I'm gratful for the Life He gave me. I want to be around the people that mean the most to me..... My family. I want to play with my nieces and nephews and love on them so much. I want to play board games with my sister in laws and find out just what awesome women they really are, I want to sit and have long talks with my mother in law about what is important to her. I want to sit on my daddy's lap (earthly father) and go shopping with my step mom. I want to worship with my brother and have Thanksgiving Dinner all together in one place (doesn't matter who's place.) 2008 for me is year to get priorities straight and make life simple and enjoy the things that really matter.....The people God gave me to love.

I'd like to meet:

People that have never heard the truth about who of Jesus Christ Is.


Anything that is inspired by God to bring healing to a hurting people.


The Color Purple, Narnia, Fools Rush In, Now and Then, Fried Green Tomatoes, Youv'e Got Mail, Steel Magnolias, and so many more.


24 BABY!!!! JACK IS THE MAN.Anything on HGTV, and all the reality compitition shows


Come on, you already know I'm gonna say The Bible! Now discover your strenghts. The Five Love languages.


Jesus is my only hero. Only He can trully save.