Such a smiling sweetheart.♥ profile picture

Such a smiling sweetheart.♥

Mikey you Pikeyyyyyyyyyy.

About Me

Jimmy Says...
"You Remind Me Of Cotton Wool.Soft&&Cuddly Yet Built To Last".
Now Isnt He A Smooth Talking Fella!
Jade.means if you didnt know!
Is My Angel
Debs Still gets me up&&makes my breakfast.
But then so she should.
Like his name he is...STUPID! its not callum or calvin.just cal.
The Best.My Best.although she steals my clothes i let her off because she drives a snazzy car.
The Nieces... 1.Mercedes.7.shortened to Maisy or Moo.Means Mary in Spanish.the older she gets the cheekier she gets...apparently from me.Obviously not! Maisy thinks my name is Bitch.So thats what she calls me.
2.Robyn.4.Little Chunky Monkey.BigBrownEyes!already a model.curly locks.eats Big Mac Meals...none of this happy meal business!
3.Morgan-Jade.1.Named after the one and only...ME.Morgan-Jade.Jade-Morgan.Love It.Unfortunately she has a ginger tint...but im hoping she'll grow out of it.
4.Marcella.1.(nearly).i dunno where they get these names from!i dont think ive ever seen her awake.all she does is sleep.zzzzzzzzzz.
Enough about them.
ME. carlsberg/carling/malibu.topshop.dirty tos.subway.Being tanned.MyTiffanyBracelet&&Necklace.GHDS.hairdye.slee NV.eyeliner.sunshine.Chinese.Tracy Chapman.Brushing my tetth then eating
That About Sums Me Up.
To Love have to take everything with a pinch of salt. beware of the moods. prepare for the truth. and never try to change me...Because u cant.
Oh && never.ever.ever give me a mushroom or an onion.ergh!
Jaymie.Maimee.Trishski.Power.Shiv.GingeKerry.Carlsberg.Littl e1.Babygirl.Beckstarrr.Windy.BigGdon.Leisha.Frank.Lelly.Char lie.Bdot.Phillip.Adam.
<3 <3 <3
Him.♥My Bf is without a doubt My best friend. the one that takes "the shit".the one that makes me smile.The one that lets me be i know what Love is, i never wanna know any different.Tiffanys the way to this girls heart.
Marge&&Funtime.Xena.MazzyMoooo. "If I Was A Salmon.Id Wanna Be All Pink With No Black Bits On Me!"
:). I Love Them.
My Partyyyyyyy...12th July!!!! Power.Maimee.Kezzabelle.ShivTheDiv.TrishskiiiiShaunaaa.Katie eee.YOU WAT.YOU WAT?
Malia.Spain.Ibiza.BASSLINE WEEKENDERRRRRR.wooo.Sophie && Maz...Get Mad Get Mad. woooo!!!
The sun will rise...Even if you dont happen to be there... SO GET OVER ITTTT.xLife is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
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