--To collaborate as a poetic writer and visionary.
--To represent my perspective to add balance. --To develop new relationships and renew old ones. --To be reminded and to be remembered. --To understand and to be understood. --To inspire and be inspired.I'm a good girl, who detoured in the bad, which was fun, but good prevails-even if u do bad well. As they say, experience is like seasoning, and I have been well-marinated, renewed, and preserved.I hang pictures of myself so i don't lose sight of self...this in spite of self. I study the science of self--evasive...and all too familiar – like, too close to home. Home is where the heart is worn. The once genuine is now foreign. I sense your scorn. Let's not debate. Be still n' allow truth to resonate. Driems gone without a trace. Transgressing is a disgrace. Evil has so many faces and Good has so many gates. The world so many days. Life's Short, so do what it takes. But not like rats in a race. Make waves instead of haste. It’s best to savor the taste.Me is all of u but to various degrees - we r all God's seed - wanting to be freed - struggling with free wills - the torment stills when we submit willingly-Bending we, begin to dig roots - building a foundation that's topple proof, so of course it's all in our heads - what good is a plan if the plan-bearer's dead - Here's to reconciling and recollecting old plans...now, what was it i said, back in dream land: i'm lost, but God knows me like the back of his hand, holds me in the palm of his hand, and i could do anything if only i'd stand, but 1st i need to remember that plan – n’vision the steps, then dance... Another Breakthrough: Trying to use my powers for good. Trying to build a foundation without wood. Trying to perceive the unseen. Trying to recollect my dreams. Trying to remove darkness from around me, and when the emptiness comes, trying not to feel lonely, trying to feel freed. Trying to get more out of life than it's irony. Like how you don't see the stain 'till you're ironing…or is it only me?