Hello. Welcome to the MYSPACE CONTEST this is everything you imagined! Starting off!
MYSPACE CONTEST is a contest! to see who will win in different catagories!
Now the catagories are...
Cutist couple pic.
Best friends pic
Group pic
Silliest pic
Prettiest girl on myspace
Solo pic (one person)
cool effects pic
craziest pic
sweetist pic
and thats it for now!
im sure there will be more.How do I nominate somone?
Well, heres how!
Send a message to MYSPACE CONTEST including 1)The Picture that you are entering in the contest (it can be of you or anyone) 2)Write the first names of the people in the Picture and 3)Write the name of the catagorie that you are entering the Photo in!
Good Luck!
Kepp sending!
TEll your friends about it!
...AND how do i vote for somone?
1 step! Just send the name of the person in a message to MYSPACE CONTEST!