My name is Charlie & I'm from
Houston,Texas. I've lived in North Carolina off an on since I was 15 yrs. old .
I'm finally back in H-Town now for a year an loving being back in my HomeTown atlast. It's been 10yrs. this time since living here, this time I brought my lovely wife an Daughter with me. They Love it ,my daughter is going to the grade school my Mother & I also went to.
Good to be back in Da Hood I play guitar for about 20 yrs. an still love to play,but family is first now in my life.
Take Care and May God Bless,,,,
ThugTags.com - Hip Hop & Urban MySpace Comments
Thank God I'm not On Them Street's Anymore so This Is for All Da Homie's Still Out There, Peace~Out Homie's.
~Charlie~an O.G. From "T"-Blok Offa"D"-Blok~But"B"-Blok is where my Heart will Alway's Be-4~Life..............
(Bonsrell St. Dat Is,,, Lives on Forever) Y-Que January 16th,2008
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