More creative people! I know you're all out there - get in touch. Not for any specific reason though just to share ideas, dreams, motivations, gigs, friendships, links, b/v-logs, aspirations, blah blah blah eg I've always wanted to write books - short stories in particular - though as yet I've not got round to it (!!! :-(((( Some truly 'idealistic career' pursuit/pure laziness/battered laptop that refuses to save my idle witterings etc all reasons for not progressing.I'm sure there are many out there who eg want to learn how to DJ; or simply get a DJ gig; get some fab art installation up and running; learn how to walk the trapeze; swim across the channel on a winter's day; stand up at a poetry slam; cook a cordon bleu meal for friends; create the next gen Myspace from scratch from their bedroom; become a propery millionaire by playing stocks and shares markets; learn how to present to a crowd of 1,000 people; hold a legendary party; develop the next consumer 'it' thing; market the good that will make us all individually contented beings or simply decipher the true meaning of life. Creative can be anything today.