Can You See Me At All?
....this is beyond your experience....
Those who know, don't tell. And those who tell, don't fucking know.
I love my sister more than anything
I like having real friends, and making more
I freakin love: learning interesting stuff, WWE, my OBESE dwarf hamster Booba, UFC, Dancing to MJ with my Lady, having a smokey smoke, being The Bad housemate, binges, perving on wrestlers, perving on the hot guy in Lidls, perving in general, huuuuuge bowls of cereal, road trips, Singing to BSB with Donna, evil men in films, The Darkside, Being in Lizzie's lounge/tattoo parlour, dinosaurs, my Sharpie pen, a good beard, documentaries, revelations and dancing like a twat!
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
So fucking do something about it. Don't let shit people get away with it, how will they ever learn if someone doesn't say or do something?We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.
S h a t t e r e d F a i t h: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :