This profile is run by Metal Syn and M!SS CRAZY and is dedicated solely to M!SS CRAZY fans in Texas.
I will no longer accept add requests from anyone outside of Texas (exception: military friends who are originally from Texas but may be stationed elsewhere will always be welcome!!). I also do not accept add requests from other bands, except for those who work with/are touring with and/or are personal friends of M!SS CRAZY.
I take the security and protection of M!SS CRAZY very seriously and review the profiles of all add requests. I will not accept any from sales/money-making/"free iPod/work at home/"do you still dream?"/view my nude pics/ and other spamming profiles, or any that I cannot verify as legitimate! If you are added as a friend and post anything harmful to/about the band you will be immediately deleted and blocked. We are here to promote M!SS CRAZY in Texas- and nothing else!
If you do not live in Texas please check out the band's main profile at
M!SS CRAZY Myspace and the street team in your area. If there is not one in your state/country and you would like to start one, message M!SS CRAZY or Markus Allen Christopher (not me!!) for approval!
M!SS CRAZY - "Livin' Without You"
"Can't Get Enough"
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A generation ago, historic rock artists like Alice Cooper, David Bowie, and KISS showed your parents that they were not living in the 50's or 60's anymore. These legacy bands incorporated stunning imagery and stage theatrics to elevate the standards of rock performance worldwide. Many 90's bands like Marylin Manson, Slipknot and AFI continued the tradition in spirit, while blazing their own sonic trails. Now, a generation later, Miss Crazy arrives on Earth to reignite the flame of hard rock while honoring the visual standards set by their forefathers. Expertly produced by Ronnie Borchert, Miss Crazy is bringing the sound of excitement back to jaded music fans around the world. Your parents might compare Miss Crazy to their old favorites like Def Leppard, AC/DC, Kix, or Cinderella. However, kids today won't have anything to compare Miss Crazy to! No other major band today sounds like Miss Crazy! We welcome you to the Miss Crazy family here on MySpace and hope you enjoy the free streams of music. Add us to get updates on all the M!SS Crazy happenings and special downloads of unreleased songs. We welcome your comments and try to respond to as many as possible when we're not on the road or in the studio.
Well, actually, we've been known to respond from the road and the studio as well. We just love you guys!