About Me
'♥ i'm teijahnay ! im pretty , fun , coo , shy && different ! my birthday is july 10,1994 ! ilove my family && my true friends my fav, color is blue,peach,pink,torquiose,white&&choclate brown ' i walk the halls of Berkeley hiqh ! my five fav. cities is Oakland ca. , Berkeley ca. ,l.a ca. , Baldwin hills && texas , ! shoppinq is what I can do all day , ilove Indian style , ilove holister clothes , cute sandals ,cute
boots && cute clothes && diamonds&&pearls ! ilove polish ohn my toes && nails , ! ilove money $$ . ilove aiminq, this my aim PrettyNayNayPaid , textnq && beinq ohn
the phone !
im finish ♥ !