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About Me

I'm a book, and you should read me. Hey, even better, why don't you BUY me, then read me? I was written by a drunk degenerate pigfucker named Ben Olson who has no real style of his own, but instead he rips it off from the greats.Wanderlost deals with the Non-Generation, a bullshit label attached to a small group of idiots that once lived in a fictional town called Northsaint. It is the story of Max Manchester, a 25-year-old anti-hero in search of the soul and substance he feels lacking in his generation. He escapes and buys an Amtrak Rail Pass that allows him to travel around the country on the train for one month. From this vantage point - sitting in a train car with melancholy face looking out the window - Manchester tries to observe what's happening in America today.The spontaneous prose mixes with sketches of the road, the wild nights play off the melancholy moments of despair... it's a personal piece of work that tries to ask the important question: what is it that the seekers seek?There are flaws... after all, this book was written in only 37 days in a cloud of whiskey and cigarette smoke. But it's a truthful piece of work that makes an effort. You can by it on , or , and other bookstores in north Idaho like Vanderford's or Common Knowledge. You can also check out the publisher's website here .
Here's what people are saying about "Wanderlost":
"Reading your novel is not in the cards for me, I'm afraid. Good luck and feel fine!"
--Tom Robbins--
“The journey takes the reader not just through evocative descriptions of the changing landscape, but through the highly charged and personal musings of a young writer as he grapples with which direction he wants to go. Gritty and at times graphically intense, it is also a witty, insightful and humorous exploration of how to balance freedom with obligation and what it means to be a young American in the 21st century.”
--Sandpoint Reader--
“In the same vein of Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson, here is a writer howling at the American landscape and destined to become an American writer of significance. The torch has been passed…”
--Nate Jordon--
Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poets

“PLEASE buy this book – get this fucking guy off my couch!”
--Marisa Fenarjian--
Allows Olson to Sleep on Her Couch

“This man will not live to see 30… It’s a new movement, a movement like I’ve never seen before… art for bums… Ignore his hard drinking, his distorted politics and his hair-brained theories, his utter grimness, his cathartic experiences, his constant cycling between satori and ennui and go straight to the humanness of his work, wherein Max, this uncommon common man, makes common mistakes in a messy world.”
--Erin Brannigan--
Former Professional Racquetball Player
Art Thief, Master of Bullshit
An Ordinary Man Himself

"Never heard of it."
--Gas Station Attendant--
Chevron - San Francisco, CA

* * *

This is a 1908 Underwood #5 I scored from Dan Shook - this is the before picture.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

Roof top portrait series

Above the bar I manage is a roof.  And on this roof I sit, most every day.  Lately I've been photographing people up there.  Here are some shots of Evan and Leah, two fiery lovers from Olympia who cam...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:26:00 GMT

Photographs from the long lost winter

I've been under the radar lately.  My computer has been acting up.  Photoshop isn't working right.  Money has been tight.  I've got a terrible back log of photographs to get through.  Here are some fr...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 19:27:00 GMT

Downtown Crossing opening this FRIDAY!!

Drinkers, bar whores, Sandpointians... lend me your rears:The Downtown Crossing will be opening this Friday night, April 3rd after a long hiatus. We've received our liquor license again and will be b...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 17:20:00 GMT

Link to the radio broadcast I was on this week

Bill LItsinger invited me onto his radio show again last Monday, in regards to my latest fight against Super 1 foods coming to Sandpoint. I have here a link where you can listen to the entire broadca...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 14:20:00 GMT

The Leaning Barn

I've driven by this collapsed barn outside of McCall, Idaho several times. This time I finally stopped to take photographs.On June 17, 1877, the Battle of White Bird Canyon was fought right here. Th...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 10:35:00 GMT

Buried in Snow

Here are some shots from the big storm a month or so back. This is the morning view from our squatter's cabin at Gypsy Bay. There is no furniture in there. Nothing but a piano and a fireplace. My ...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:36:00 GMT

DUEL! This Afternoon!

Let it be known:Despite sub-zero temperatures and blowing snow, the Duel is STILL A GO. 3 p.m. TODAY at Stage Right Cellars. Don't wimp out.Come and support your local freaks of Sandpoint, and parti...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 12:42:00 GMT

A Radio Show and a Duel

Two important items of interest coming up:1. I have been invited onto a radio show called "Face to Face" in Sandpoint by Bill Litsinger. The issue will be growth in Sandpoint. As many of you know, ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Dec 2008 15:04:00 GMT

"More War" series

A couple weeks ago Brannigan and I hitchhiked to Boise along Highway 95 to shoot a photographic essay entitled "More War." We staged a mock war rally in front of the state Capital building, holding s...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 13:15:00 GMT

Barter Faire Portraits

I went to the Tonasket Barter Faire last weekend and got some portraits. Unfortunately, I had a malfunction with my antique camera and lost about half of my roll. These are the only shots that were ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 19:14:00 GMT