DaRkNEsS profile picture


Welcome to the Land of DARK!

About Me

well, i love many things.. i love my band first of all.. we have a band called COGNATUS.. we play gothic and death metal songs.. we also play our own songs that we compose.. i love writing lyrics.. i hope one day the world will be a very peaceful place.. will that day come?kahrolsun FASIZM!!!! dinki olduren zihniyet fasist zihniyetdir hic bir zaman kabul goremez! milliyetcilik duygusu yurtseverlikle sinirlandirilmalidir aksi takdirde milletleri birbirine dusuren bir ideolojiye donusur ki donustu! cok yazik insanlarimiz bunu goremiyor..

My Interests

music, guitars, lyrics, soccer, politics...

I'd like to meet:

JESUS, El Che..


gothic, death, heavy metal

run get the fuck out of my face

on a turn and I can't feel anything

it isn't nothing but a self that can decay

I feel like I'm wounded

and I got a fucking gun against my head

you live when I'm dead


i vampiri, bad boys 2, hotel rwanda. the dictator, reality in iraq,


makina, yuxexes, mtv(headbangers ball)


utupik sosyalizm ve bilimsel sosyalizm, yollari birlestirmek, manifesto, siyah kan


che guevara,corey taylor,dennis chambers,ataturk, karl marx, trocky