I am *RYDER KEOLA KAUI* MOMMY. I'm living life as a single parent and enjoying every second of it..... Born and raised in Hanalei. Love going to the beach and enjoying the hot sun. Relaxing at Lumahai and cooling off in the river is unbeatable!!! Biking riding in always a blast,(Ryder has mastered riding without training wheels). We love BBQing with friends and family (Aunty Hoku and Aunty Malia are the best!!) Raining days at the Hanalei Soccer field are dirty but fun (Aunty Mindy and Uncle Jane are 2 Kuu Kuu Luu Kuu birds !!) Shopping and spending $$$ never bores me. Beautiful afternoons at Cold pond are a blessing! Puka's on a hot afternoon is AWESOME. Last minute camping trips are sandy & exciting.Playdates at the Princeville park are fun fun fun!!! My parents are "THE BEST" they Emontionally and Financially support my ass oh ya Ryder's too!!.We Love going on vacations but hate plane rides. GREEN BOTTLES with Hoku and Malia = wild times that I'll never pass up. Saturday nights at the Nui suck, but we make the best of it!!! Spending time with tita and Honu is the best!! Watching my boy ride his quad down at the anahola track blows my mind!! We love cruizing our 2006 Honda Ridgeline truck!!! Eating out and going to the movie's are rare occasions but totally enjoyable, Over all I am totally enjoying life as it comes. Keep your head up, smile and live large.
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