Heil to Thee,Visitor!!!I am Loreley von Rhein, the scales of Sariola.
Now I’m able to sing in almost 4 octaves: counteralto, mezzosoprano, soprano, rock clean voise and trying to growl. *ARGH*
I like foreign languages and can speak some of them.
I am modelling, studying philosophy at the university and have some jobs=)
I like to go out: metal discos, metal concerts, metal festivals and meet my friends. I like read some interesting books, listen good music and thing about das Dasein...So, Thy see, I am pretty busy person,hehe.I have paradigmatic spirit and methodological heart...
I am a DaseinDenker, the outsider and strong woman...
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dark night / Comments
SARIOLA - Her Flying - Live in Rotterdam (NL) - De Baroeg http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids....
Movie of ~Dutch Sariola~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjeyLglk3cY