My name is Michael,
I'm from Poland,
27 years old,
I'm a drawer and tattoo designer,
Some people say I'm interesting and funny but YEAH,I know they're lying ;-D,hehehe...
Probably I've got more mood-swings then a pregnant woman,
It's easy to irritate me,
I make fun from anyone or anything(including myself,heh...),
So you can say I'm really...
REALLY annoying asshole! ;-D,hehehe...
I Wish I Was The President Lyrics ..
M Meek
I Ideal
C Charismatic
H Hardworking
A Astounding
E Eccentric
L Little
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Jason Voorhees - A true loner. All you want is to
have a nice quiet walk in the woods, but people
keep stepping on your territory and messing
with your stuff. You tend to be a little on the
moody side, with the strength and intelligence
of a mad man.
What Friday the 13th Character Are You?
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