Platinum City Music Group, is a full one stop of all types of entertainment. Always remember what your goals are in Business says A.D. Selders CEO/Founder of P.C.M.G., most Independents are so concerned with what the other party in the deal gets that they loose sight of there goals. Per A.D. starting P.C.M.G. was the beginning of a movement, a journey if you will to give life to all the projects the company and its affiliates had created in the Entertainment and Textile Industry including music, comedy, clothing, modeling and art forms of all kinds NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO TELL YOU, YOU CAN’T DO SOMETHING OR THAT YOU ARE DOING TO MANEY THINGS AT ONE TIME. MAYBE THERE BRAIN CAN’T HOLD ALL THE INFO.Written by Xavier Blackheart of the Good Guys FoundationMyspace Layouts
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