HugeBreastLoverhere profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well im here to find new people an friends and I like huge breasts and i like to chat and read and draw play sports like baseball an basketball i am a mechanic for a liveing and im currently single an no kids i also play video games and listen to musicFor fun i hang with friends go to movies an i draw and like meeting new people and please no offense but i love huge breastsI love the ladies girls there so Hot and they smell GOOD !!I have Yahoo messenger ID GhostR_i_d_e_rMsn messenger ID [email protected] ID SpiritsVengeanceAIM pro messneger ID RidersVengeanceICQ messenger ID GhostRider 460-024-372And Only Girls Ladies IM me Thank U

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All Ladies an Females (NO men)girls who have huge boobs big boobs gigantic boobs surgeicly inlarged boobs VBH for girls !!

My Blog

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