agentlover profile picture



About Me

I have a lot of unexplained nostalgia. I am quite fond of ridiculous blog ----

My Interests

    wanderlustwhimsythe Oona Goosepimple way of life trainssilent film cryptozoologygraffiti art vintage erotic photographyphotoboothsold comic bookssinging jazz and performing at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino lounge when I am fiftytoy cameras picnics cooking for peoplecupcakeshotelsnew york citybreakdancersabandoned buildingshaunted houseswritingpink chandelierscherry blossoms and tulipspandas, deer, owls and peacocks.succumbing to the gypsy flu

I'd like to meet:

"There are people with whom you feel mute and around them you forget you have a head and a heart full of ideas and wonder, poetry and longing, and there are those who can reach straight into your chest and pull songs and stars out of your heart. "




Secretary. Tod Browning's Freaks. Splendor, Roman Holiday. Twin Falls Idaho. Amelie, The Lover, Sex and Lucia, Betty Blue. Battle Royale. Forbidden Zone. The Warriors. All About My Mother. Valentin. The Dreamers. Suspiria. Great Expectations. Monster Squad. Teen Witch. John Waters films.


My Life as a Telenovela


the story of the eye. less than zero. perks of being a wallflower. why girls are weird. brett easton ellis. pamela ribon. dorothy parker. pablo neruda. e e cummings. maya angelou. some bukowski. francesca lia block. my favorite poem is 'she walks in beauty' by lord byron. and 'still i rise' by maya angelou. I am obsessed with Hans Christian Andersen's "The Red Shoes".


bjork. mae west. dorothy parker. amy sedaris.

My Blog


That took forever, but please, enjoy my blog about The Far East....
Posted by agentlover on Thu, 24 May 2007 10:44:00 PST

the humdrum restlessness of post vacation

I almost blogged about China finally. Snoop here, putanas! And leave me comments. Thank you to the five people that leave me comments on my website. I know it's still kind of new and weird.  I lo...
Posted by agentlover on Wed, 16 May 2007 03:46:00 PST

i don't want to go home!

I want to keep traveling and traveling!!!  
Posted by agentlover on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:43:00 PST

Ni Hao my friends!!!

greetings from beautiful beijing, china!
Posted by agentlover on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:52:00 PST

I luff you bg.

Have you been listening to all the Volta leaks or are you one of those bores that have to wait for the album to come out? I am Veruca and I always want things now. So...Wanderlust has to be my persona...
Posted by agentlover on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:01:00 PST

Raccoon Fucking

The Shaun asked me a question.S: Would you fuck him? I wouldn't because he reminds me of Ray Romano.Me: Yes. But I would punch him first and give him two black eyes so he would look like a raccoon wit...
Posted by agentlover on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 11:36:00 PST

'Roid Week Spring 2007

Overcast sky...go away today PLEASE. Here's what I got so far for this spring's flickr 'roid week. 'Roids sound so gross. follow along here!!!...
Posted by agentlover on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:02:00 PST

Who's Got the Proj Runz

A little late in the day for this recap of last night's episode but we must discuss! How did you spend your Project Runway Season Finale? Reyna Valentina came over for a little pizza, a lil' Notorious...
Posted by agentlover on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:03:00 PST

John Staymoist

Stamos cracked a joke about being on ER last night on Jimmy Kimmel. Calling himself Dr. McStaymoist. i know you know about my sticker, Stamos. I am getting closer to you. ...
Posted by agentlover on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:22:00 PST

Let's Chat about Proj Run

I think is acting funky but I need to talk/blog to somebody about something. Laura from Project Runway's husband. WTF is going on there? I have a lot of things to say about that but the...
Posted by agentlover on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST