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When you work so hard you can't work anymore, step back and see that what you have done is good. Tak

About Me

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Thanks for coming to my page. I guess I'll tell you a little bit about me...
I own my own design company called AP Design. I love doing graphics. I do logos, business cards, album/CD/DVD covers, slide show DVDs, flyers, announcements, invitations, programs, powerpoint and keynote templates/backgrounds and entire presentations, newsletters, letterhead, fax cover sheets, digital conversion, 3-D graphs and charts, animation and a host of other graphically related and office related jobs.
I'm the Head Volleyball Coach for the Women's team at the university I work for. I am also a full time Administrative Asst. for the Dean of Students at the university.
I do a lot, I like to stay busy. I'm always running here and there, my calendar is always booked with something. If I am at home more than 2 nights in a row before 8 pm I feel lazy.
I used to do some improv in the Dayton area, and I have to say it was soooooo much fun. I hate being the center of attention, but I love being on stage. I know it doesn't make sense, but there it is. I usually don't make sense. Before that I volunteered for a local theatre. I did a lot of stage managing and some directing. I love to write, but I haven't had the chance to do it for some time. I'm just getting back to it, and it's such a nice release, but, obviously, I rarely find the time.

My Interests

I like almost everything. Music and Movies (really love indie music & films), Cooking, Religion, Sports, Technology, Talk Radio, Languages, Wine, Coffee, Video Games, Pens, Books, Fashion and almost anything most people aren't into. And I love hugging and really nice kisses:) I've really been into traveling lately. It used to be I really didn't care if I left Ohio or not, but with having to travel to conferences for my job, various states with my volleyball teams or to visit a certain someone special*wink* I've really begun to like it a lot!

I'd like to meet:

God. Well, God, Mahalia Jackson, Queen Latifah and Bill Gates. I have a lot of questions for God; I think Mahalia would have a lot of cool "back in our day" stories, I have always admired Queen Latifah. I just think she is that deal. She's inspired me to do a lot. People always say I remind them of her. I think big red bones just look a lot alike. Bill Gates... come on... he's Bill "freaking" Gates! and I'm a HUGE tech geek. Oh, and I'd have to add Queen Vashti to the list. She's very inspiring to me as well. Don't know who she is? Look in the Bible. I want her to pick up the story where the book of Esther leaves off. Actually, I'd like to meet most of the women in the Bible.Well, here are my videos. I guess I'll tell you a little bit about each one. I'm not someone who just puts stuff on her page all willy nilly and such. Everything on here represents something that speaks to some part of who I am. So, the winners are:Who doesn't love free hugs?! Hugging is wonderful, and can turn anyone's day around. Did I mention I was part hippie?Free Hugs!

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The Best of Simon & Garfunkel
42 Ultimate Hits
The Ultimate Collection

The Ultimate Collection
Cause I Love You: The Best of Lenny Williams

Eroica Trio
A Charlie Brown Christmas: The Original Sound Track Recording Of The CBS Television Special
L' Apres: Midi d'Un Microphone

The Dana Owens Album
Lest We Forget: The Best of Marilyn Manson

Stereo Type A
Pages of Life: Chapters 1 & 2
The Rebirth of Kirk Franklin

Who Is Jill Scott? Words and Sounds, Vol. 1
The Final Tic

Janis Joplin - Greatest Hits
Experience Hendrix: The Best of Jimi Hendrix

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
A Day Without Rain
Waiting for Your Letter

(What's The Story) Morning Glory?
Blue Wonder Power Milk
A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular

Big Calm
The Cosmic Game powered by frazy.com


Kiki's Delivery Service
Star Trek Movie Set (The Motion Picture/ The Wrath of Khan/ The Search for Spock/ The Voyage Home/ The Final Frointer/ The Undis
Star Wars Trilogy (Widescreen Edition Without Bonus Disc)
Galaxy Quest
Alien Quadrilogy (Alien/ Aliens /Alien 3 /Alien: Resurrection)
Frank Herbert's Dune (TV Miniseries) (Director's Cut Special Edition)
The Fifth Element (Ultimate Edition)
A Christmas Story [Blu-ray]
The Secret of NIMH
Space Camp
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
Mask (Special Edition)
Fight Club (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
The Color Purple
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Special Collector's Edition)
Heavy Metal (Collector's Edition)
Vampire Hunter D
Apocalypse Now
Battlestar Galactica - The Feature Film (Widescreen Edition)
Office Space - Special Edition with Flair (Widescreen Edition)
The Dark Crystal
Cube Zero
Cube 2 - Hypercube
You've Got Mail / Joe vs The Volcano (Two-Pack)
Full Metal Jacket (Limited Edition Collector's Set) powered by frazy.com


Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relatio
The Stepsister (Fear Street)
The Lone Drow (Forgotten Realms: Hunters Blades Trilogy)

The Sword of Shannara Trilogy powered by frazy.com


My parents- they've been married 30 years, and, though not all golden, they have done their best to be good parents and to try to set decent examples. Plus, they are doing all they can to be better and better Christians. My aunt- she died of breast cancer in '96, but she was an incredible example of a good wife, a good woman, a good Christian and a good neighbor. Everything I do is to follow in her footsteps. All the service men and women who have dedicated their lives to make it possible for people like me to sit on My Space and bad mouth the government, go to a restaurant, support my local bootlegger, go to church on Sundays and worship my God, or pray over a meal in public.


My Blog

The Power of Friendship

Last year at this time, I lost 4 family members. Thus began the year that is now ending. I have had some of the craziest ups and down this year. 2006 will definitely leave as it came in for me... with...
Posted by Drey on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:32:00 PST