Bass Fishing, Sk8ing, snowmobiling, biking, hangin out, music, girls, money, four wheeling, hunting, snowboardin a little, wakeboarding, wakesk8ing
The top skateboarding survey for all you skaters
Are you going to go pro?: idk
What trick are you currently working on?: backside heel down a 5 stair
Whats your worst injury in skating yet?: bashed my head on a bench and bled forever
Do you hate people who wear skate brands but they dont skate?: kinda except for girls
If someone tells you to leave a spot what do you say?: fuck off
How long you been skating?: 2 years
Snapped a board lately?: o yea
Do you ever get pissed if you cant land a trick?: sumtimes
What is your current set-up?: blank, tensor lows, reds/hkd's, element weels, shorty's hardware
Are the graphics getting fucked up?: they would ir there was any
What do you think is the best skate shoe?: circa and lakai
How do you dress while skating?: always pants and a shirt and shoes
What shoes do you wear?: circa's
Are you more street or vert?: street
Who do you think you skate most like.: i try to be like greg lutzka
Are you regular or goofy?: goofy
What brands do you support?: blank and black market, circa and lakai, tensor
Why do you support those brands?: they kick ass
Hubbas or handrails?: depends feebs or crooks???
Stairs or banks?: prolly stairs but banks are fun
What about ledges?: wut about em??
Do you get pissed when other people wear your brands?: nah thats more support
If a cop told you to leave a spot and then he left would you go back there?: lol yea every time
Company?: circa, lakai, kayo corp, blank black market
Shoes?: circa lakai
Deck?: blank black market
Wheels?: ricta
Why are they your favorite?: they kick ass
Griptape?: wuts the difference
Pants?: levi's or element
T-shirts?: krew or circa or lakai or band shirts
Spots?: any
People you skate with?: j dub mike colin cody
Do you make skate set ups?: o yea
Ever created a skate spot of your own?: o yea
If someone snakes you what do you think?: wtf then leave it alone
If someone calls you a poser what do you do?: show em up
Ever find a pefect handrail?: o yea
Ever find a perfect stair set?: o yea
You will skate till...: im fuckin crippled bitch
Last words?: SK8 BITCH
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I'd like to meet:
sk8rs and bands
rap, reggae, a lil R&B, metal, death metal, a lil rock, linkin park
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds
Grandmas boy, halfbaked, scarface, foundation thats life, toy machine vid, any with greg lutzka
king of the hill, captain and casey, sk8maps, all sk8 vid, south park, espn bass sportscenter
transworld sk8, any sk8 mags,
[Marital Status] i forgot
[Shoe size] 10
[Parents still together] i guess
[Siblings] bro
[Pets] 1
[Color] blue
[Number] 39532583285325832853258320958
[Animal] platypus
[Drinks] alcohal
[Soda] idc
[Book] playboy
[Flower] wtf
[Color your hair?] no
[Twirl your hair?] FUCK no
[Have tattoos?] yea 1
[Have Piercings?] gettin tungue and ear
[Cheat on tests/homework?] yea all the time
[Drink/Smoke?] yea/sumtimes
[Like roller coasters?] o yea
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sumtimes
[Want more piercings?] yea
[Like cleaning?] funnest ever
[Write in cursive or print?] idk wut cursive is
[Own a web cam?] no used to then broke it
[Know how to drive?] yea
[Own a cell phone?] not any more got lost in shawano lake
[Ever get off the damn computer?] every other month
[Been in a fist fight?] o yea
[Considered a life of crime?] o yea
[Considered being a hooker?] o yea
[Lied to someone?] o yea
[Been in love?] o yea
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yea once lol
[Been in lust?] yea
[Used someone] sort of
[Been used?] not that i no of
[Been cheated on?] not that i no of
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] yea lol on accident
[Stolen anything?] yea
[Held a gun] yea
[Current clothing] phase 2 sweatshirt pants shoes
[Current mood] bored as fuck
[Current taste] tacos
[What you currently smell like] tag
[Current hair] messy
[Current thing I ought to be doing] sk8in
[Current cd in stereo] i dont listen to cd's
[Last book you read] playboy
[Last movie you saw] half baked
[Last thing you ate] tacos
[Last person you talked to on the phone] courtney
[Do drugs?] not coke or E or anything that will kill u
[Believe there is life on other planets?] o yea im from there
Remember your first love?] yea neva forget
[Still love him/her?] idk broke up cuz i moved so maybe
[Read the newspaper?]
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yea
[Believe in miracles?] yea
[Do well in school?] FUCK NO
[Wear hats] yea
[Hate yourself?] sumtimes
[Have an obsession?] yea
[Collect anything?] yea
[Have a best friend?] idk
[Close friends?] yea
[Like your handwriting?] idc
[Care about looks] not really
[First crush] kali
[First kiss] kali
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yea
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yea
[Are you a tease?] wuts that
[Too shy to make the first move?] sorta
[Daydreamer] o yea in skool
[Bitch/Asshole] yea lol
[sarcastic] FUCK
[Angel] yea
[Devil] yea
[Shy] yea
[Talkative] yea
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GREG LUTZKA,leo romero,allie boulala