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About Me

Namaste ! Wellcome to monchobaba myspace

Hola amig@s !! Este es un space creado para la difusión de artistas, bandas, video dj, dj, performers, grafiteros, etc... bajo cualquier tipo de influencias. Rock, Folk, Electrónica, Reegae, Drum&Bass, Thecno, Punk, Minimal, Metal, Dance, Break Beat, etc… ----------------------------------------------
Hello !! this is a space for the transmission and association of artists and bands into the music, video, paint, graffiti, theatre, etc.. The monchobaba space is a collective of Rock, Folk, Electronic, Reegae, Drum&Bass, Thecno, Punk, Minimal, Metal, Dance, Break Beat and more....from allover the world.


Si estás interesado en la música tradicional y/o folklórica este es el space donde tenéis que dirigiros


If you are interested in traditional music go to


De momento os contaré un poco de mi vida........ a los 15 años empecé tocando la guitarra eléctrica en un grupo llamado Los Siguientes (pop-rock), luego en Los Ropper (rock) y luego en Alta Tensión(punk). Durante este periodo de tiempo conocí muchos músicos y, a la vez, mi curiosidad musical me hizo descubrir otro tipo de música, la procedente de India, Turquía, Grecia e Irán, y también otros instrumentos como el sitar, el rabab, el saz o el ud, pero el que más me fascinó fue el sitar, por lo que decidí estudiar este instrumento....por ello dejé mi trabajo, desdpués de 13 años, y decidí viajar a New Delhi (INDIA). El 1er viaje fué de sep-dic (2004), el 2º de abr-julio (2005) y el 3º de mar-jul (2006) y el siguiente será en septiembre de 2007.

Por este motivo suelo realizar continuos viajes a la India y ante la falta de buenos instruentos tradicionales en España decidí crear mi propia pág. web. y dar el mejor servicio en cuanto calidad/precio.

Por ello, si quieres conseguir algún instrumento de la India, como sitar, tanpura, tabla, sarod, sarangi, dilruba, santur, dholak, phakawaj, ghatam, bansuri, shehnai....etc, estuches o accesorios, no dudes en contactar conmigo.

Si te interesa también puedes contratar mi servicio como músico de sitar para hacer grabaciones, conciertos, performances.


Hello Im Ramon a.ka. Moncho. Im from Valencia, Spain which is where i was born.

I have been in the music profession for 15years now. I have performed in bands, collectives and mixing music . Also i have attented several festivals in Spain. I have completed a course in digital music and computer based recording (Cubase, Reason etc).. I have played guitar in spanish band Los Siguientes (Pop-rock) when i was 16years old, moved unto a bigger reportoire - Los Ropper (rock) and Alta Tensión (punk). After that i start to be atraccted for the traditional instruments. Also I started to mix music and styles sometimes as a Dj Le monx (Elektro). Performing and travelling i started meeting a lot of musisians across the world. What attracted me was the Heritage of Indian music. Further, Instruments of Turkey, Romania and other gypsy traditions also were a thrill to listen to and aquire inspiration from. I was most attracted the sitar , the rabab, saz or ud. I started to learn to Rabab and Sitar in 2002 with limited knowledge and seeking a good teacher.It was difficult to find a sitar teacher in spain to teach me technique, tuning, theory and the method of playing sitar. I first teacher Efren Lopez, multi instrumental musician from L'Ham Foc (Valencia). I moved formal sitar training with Sazed Ul Alam (Elxe) and Shyam Sunder (Barcelona) . The time with the training give me the confidence to quit my job in Valencia, visit New Delhi (INDIA) to learn sitar. My freinds on India and the circuit of musician there quickly helped me to aqquire further knowledge. It also served as a big oppurtunity to learn about Indian music heritage.

The visit to India lasted four months in september 2004 I made further trips to India in 2005 and 2006 and visted amny palces (including Calcutta in 2005 to see the tradition of sitar making and live with the craftsmen). I applied for scholarship to I.C.C.R. Indian Council of Cultural Relations to pursue a formal training in Sitar. The institute awared me a scholarship to learn Sitar at Gandharva Mahavidyalaya with Mr. Jagdeep Singh Bedi (Sitar - Surbahar). The school is based in new Delhi and has students who learn indian classical music. I maintain a website which has been created to provide information and details of various indian instruments. The website is an attempt to showcase the traditional instruments and the heritage behind them. Recently updated the webiste contains pictures and details of projects and musicians across the world of fusión and exotic music. is interactive to any users interested information, purchase and sale of the instruments listed. I provide quality instruments, direct from craftsmen and traditonal industry which exists in India.

The idea behind is to provide high quality instruments, accessories, techinical information about all the instruments listed. Vast database of measurements, size, strings, weight, skin and material is also available for buyers.

Email me for any related query

As of now im in India, New Delhi and fortunate to exist in circle of musicians and performers who are playing all kinds of music and forms. The Heritage of Indian music and new forms of electronic music are all happening in India.

Now (2007) also i am into a collective of crazy musicians (D.E.S.U.) performing like Dj Le monx, playing ElektrofunkeD head bobbing dAncE musiC....

Finally I want to thank my family for the unconditional support that I always are giving me, Efren López (for their help and patience), Mara Aranda, Diego López, Constantino, Juanma, Christos ....( L'ham-foc) because, among other things...they allways have a space in the van for me .... to Lluna (which helps me a lot with the advertising), Sergi (El Caimán), Lionelbaba and Suchetbaba (that whenever I am going to Delhi open gates home), Vandana ( Suchet's mum, great Hindustani vocalist) and his entire family, Pandiji (excellent cook), Lamababa + Whinston-masterji +Ishbaba + Vipenbaba (big smokers), Gennady (the professor), Vikram (2), Dhruv, Namrata, Kaumudi, Shweta, Aparna, Nupur, Samrat (the crazy audio pervert), Somnath, and also my Nerhu Stadium friends, and a lot more people that In each buddies to Delhi make me feel like home.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in if you need further assistance

Well friends! ! I hope you enjoy the browse.

My Interests


Member Since: 19/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Moncho (guitar/rabab/sitar/ tanpura/computer, etc..)

Sounds Like:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----

ElectroniK side of moncho (Le monx)

D.E.S.U.(phase 04)

Le monx

Le monx transport

Delhi Electronica Supply Unit

Record Label: Pakora Proyects

My Blog

Oferta para participar en eventos relacionados con las músicas tradicionales, del mundo, folk,

16 de marzo de 2009Instrumentos es una página web, creada en 2004, especializada en la venta de instrumentos profesionales de la India; sitar, sarod, sarangi, dilruba, tanpura, sant...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:30:00 GMT

Manuela Carrasco, Premio Nacional de Danza 2007, no paga a sus músicos

Nota de prensaManuela Carrasco, Premio Nacional de Danza 2007, no paga a sus músicosRamón Hernández emprenderá acciones legales contra su empresaLa bailaora  participa en el ciclo 'Flamenco viene del ...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 21:12:00 GMT

Beca Diploma Sitar (2007-2009)

Bueno amig@s; el Consejo de Relaciones Culturales de La India (ICCR), me ha otorgado una beca, de dos años de duración,para realizar un curso de Diploma en Sitar. El cual realizaré en la Escuela de Mú...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 23:49:00 GMT

GraCiaS a Tod@s

namaste merha bai !!! hola amiguetes.... quería agradeceros las semanitas tan movidas que me hicisteis pasar este mes de agosto.....joder !!!  vaya partys......!!  menos mal que aq...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:21:00 GMT


namaste !!! hola amig@s, como supondréis, estoy en New Delhi. El Gobierno de la India, me ha dado una beca para estudiar, durabte 2 años, sitar. El curso se realiza en la escuela de múcica clásica Gan...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:15:00 GMT