I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editorâ„¢ V2.5you've seen me before, on captain cooks square or milling about burley park chasing squirrels. i'm a dog about town. a happy dog, a party dog, an eat your chips off the floor at 5am dog. i like fruitella and bacon, though usually not together. i like to spaz about in puddles, and i don't care that i have no wellies...i'm cutting edge. my best friend is nick. he touches me in many ways. i still love charlie and puppy, absence makes the heart grow fonder. me and scotty got off to a bad start, but the love's still there if he'd drop the hardman act. i like to lick faces, special mentions must go to gaz, joel, fil and nicola. they know what i'm talking about...