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(wanna lOok intO his eyes n smile tO him...)
*Rosle Mohamad
( former diciplinary teacher; want to apologize to him )
*my frens
Zul yang kachak dan beliau amat BENCI PADA PINK!! Kak Dina yang baik hati,cOmeyl, Friendly~ Beliau sangat baik padaku~ Mr. Hilmy Ashley yg suaranya dikatakan rOmantik~ Hero yg cOmeyl~I♥u~! Future bf ku~ hehe~ Rain yg adOrable~ Kim Sung sOo yang kachak~ TVXQ yg cOmeyl² belaka~! wOn bin yg sgt sweet~! Shawal~Akan kunanti lagu barumu~! wakakaka~
my sOul~
MY LAST GOODBYE this pOem is creted by Nur Hanina...'cilOk'ed by Fatin Nur 'Asyiqah I shouldn't have fallen in lOve with u,because u dOn't knOw hOw I keep On hurting u, amOng the sO many lOves, this is the one that I can't forget, in the depth of my heart, I can see that u have taken the roOt in my sOul... I didn't knOw that I was bOrn tO be a girl, and tO be lOved was sO hard, I can't wipe our lOve, despite putting it aside sO many times... The pain, It's nOt enough tO describe how i feel, I hate destiny that let us meet, tO the pOint I hate myself, U tOld me u will never let me dOwn, as u wished I'll live with a snile pretending tO be happy, I feel sO guilty tO fall in lOve with u, but I am dying tO see u again... My heart keeps telling me that I shOUld let u gO, but tO live in this way,
tO fOrget every single day, are the hardest things tO dO in my life, I miss u but I can nO lOnger confine U, with lOve as excuses, if I forget...then it wOuld be alright,
But I knOw nOw, that I must leave fOr the sake with U... now, I'll let u gO, I wouldn't want tO be a burden tO u, I believe that this is the right path, frOm nOw I cannOt cOme tO where U are crying, fOr I'm just nOt gOod enOugh, TO BE YOUR ONE AND ONLYpOem neyh nina yg tulis..aku cilOk jer..cOz,aku rase..aku nk tujukan maksud pOem nih utk insan yang bertakhta di hati ini~SAYANG...aku tahu,kau bukan milikku~aku pasrah andai itu yang tertulis buatku~
I made this Flash Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.
*april snow(korean)
macam-macam aznil
harry potter, love comics, health magazine, novels
*My parent
*Bae Yong Joon
*Pemegang Rahsia Kerajaan:-
♥ Fatehah n Fateen
♥ Syareena
♥ Ainina
♥ Atiqah
♥ Tasha
♥ Shikin
♥ Hasmira
♥ Afif
♥ Hafeeza Zulaikha
♥ Hamizah
Thank u so much!!!