Gede profile picture


About Me

Anyone who has Folks like mine would know a love of Music and vinyl was inevitable. Beatles records and Inna Gadda Da Vida by Iron butterfly were very early memories. My musical tastes grew over the years to Hip Hop then Techno and House in high school. At last 3 times a week I'd catch the bus to the city to buy tunes from DADA's, Raggabone and Central Station.Through listening to Perth's Number 1 Underground Music Supporting Radio Station found Ben Stinga and Purveyor Records and started my career in Djing. My first Gig was VIBE @ Greenwich, under His Majesty's Theatre. I played a regular set about once a fortnight for about 2 years. After VIBE closed up, the guys who started it tried another night, this time under the Sheraton Hotel. I played one set there before that folded.It was a while between drinks before I played the Krackerjack Party in Kings Park on Australia Day. Then played a few sets at the Brass Monkey with James A, Hau, Ben M and Crew. During this time the Spirit Sound Bar (Tiger Lil's) got really popular and I played a set there.Throughout this whole time I'd been writing my own tracks and collecting gear. Recently I've been putting more time and money into my production work since I don't buy much vinyl anymore.I've taken a softer edge since the news of my impending parenthood. Although that milder edge is now fueling an energy of emotion translating into my tunes. I intend to release an E.P. soon and get my long time goal finally underway. I introduce Sachet Records.

My Interests


Member Since: 19/10/2006
Influences: Detroit Techno, German House & Techno, Chicago House and Hip Hop. Jeff Mills, Juan Atkins, Metroplex Records, M Plant Rec', Tresor Rec', Relief Rec', Cajual Rec', Guidance Rec', Prescription Rec', Theo Parish, John Tejada,
Record Label: Sachet Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

1st time in a while.

I Played for the first time in about 6 months Last weekend at my Sister in Laws B'Day. I remember how much fun it was just setting up. Plugs N Gaffer (I think i name a track after that) I got sore leg...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:44:00 GMT

They Say Things Change

"They" say things change when you have a baby. I can second that, but the whats changed is not what I thought would. My Emotions are up and things that worried me before don't seem to now. On the othe...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 04:23:00 GMT

Coming along nicely

Well the new Studio is coming along slowly but surely. I can't wait to get in there i've been working on so many songs and the anticipation is killing me. Design ideas as far a finish goes are gushing...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 01:45:00 GMT

time fly's regardless

Hello.I have been thinking quite alot recently about my life. Where i am, where i wanted to be now and why i'm not there yet. I have always felt like i have not understood myself and that inside me an...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:19:00 GMT