history /ART/ culture /LANGUAGE/subculture /FASHION/ travel/REVOLUTION /freedom/ MARTIAL ARTS /warrior ways/LOVE /passion/ EROTICA /exotica/ FOOD /wine /ESPRESSO / tea/ PERFUME /secrets /WOMAN / highlife / STREETLIFE /truth /
"Woman" -...i am a mans man......rare these days......one who loves everything about women...the good and the badthe inside... the outside...everything...woman represents all life to me...i came from woman... which is why i love woman...i am a mans man..but i only have eyes for woman...understand me...divya///
voice,rhythm,melody,the moment...if it hits me...and believe me i know when it hits me... its with me... forever...
the few i can identify with...(not easy)
world NEWS - reality tv -COMEDY - SOPRANOS - tv chefs - ..DOCU'S...(that's documentaries;-)
i have thousands of BOOKS... STOPPED reading them...because ive READ them a THOUSAND times... KNOW them inside out...time to burn them?