SiameseThe dialectics of existence are the conceptual base behind this musical
Music is the answer to my inner monologue, sometimes formulated in new
questions and problems. My subjective experience of the human condition
makes me question the self and the other, the mind and the body, the
individual and the society around him. The given examples seem to be
complete opposites but in fact they are extremes of the same thing,
different faces of the same coin. Darkness would not exist if light
didn't exist either and vice versa. This duality is present everywhere,
partial objects interact with each other to give birth to complex
structures. Art, for example, takes place when the transcendental
inspiration meets the material resources.
Man, as a living being, is not a mean, he's an end
in itself. But the artist is only a mean to an end which is greater than
life, it aims for the ultimate goal that is creation and its perfection.
Art is the crystallization of culture as such, the world as a mental human
construction, and the artist is the one who brings it to life and renews it
in his work. Music is the closest we will ever get to the abstract
concept of harmony. Every form of art is musical. My goal is to manifest
that harmony in this world, to become a way for new concepts and ideas
but also for new ethics and aesthetics.
Siamese is a musician, a VJ, a researcher and a student.